Indulge me as I give you Best of Summer 2013:
Best Activity with the Big Kids: Hike and tour of Timp Cave:
Best Activity with the Little Guys: Thanksgiving Point Farm:
Best Mommy Daughter Activity: Taylor Swift Concert. It truly was amazing:
Best Cheap Take-Out Meal: Cheesecake factory Skinny Asian Lettuce Wraps. These babies are like $6.99 and they give you the yummy bread too. Add a McD's Diet Coke and you've got a meal.
Best Summer Date Activity: Alpine Coaster and dinner in Park City

Best Bike Ride: Wildflower Pedalfest in Mountain Green, UT. Rolling Hills, beautiful scenery, fun friends, great food:
Best Lesson Learned: Yard sales are not worth it. I made 80 bucks and lost my dignity:
Best Extended Family Outing: Alpine Rodeo with Ashley's family:
Best Reunion: Seeing my favorite guys from my freshman year at BYU. Already planning another one for the Fall and hoping my girlfriends can make it!
Best Treat: Hokulia shaved ice. This stuff is as big as my head and totally lived up to the hype.
Best Parenting Moment: Driving home from Café Rio and seeing this homeless looking toddler roaming the neighborhood in a swim diaper. Sure enough, it was my kid. Luke was supposed to be babysitting.
Best New Addition: My brand new nephew Wyatt
Best Tradition: Fourth of July Parade as the Patriotic Pirates: It never gets least not for us!
Best Vacation for the Kids: Going to Snow Mass, CO with Sam for five days
Best Vacation for Mama: Kids going to Snow Mass, CO with Sam for five days and I stayed home
No pics. Just lots of trashy tv, dinners out with friends, and roaming the mall by myself.
Best Shopping Find of the Summer: Slip Extenders. These are a life saver for us tall girls. I bought one in every color.
Best Bang for your buck: Seven Peaks with the Pass of All Passes. There are a lot of haters out there but it will always be my very favorite Summer activity. I love this picture of my bff Susan doing the rope swing in Provo with Y mountain in the background. Our boys make us do it every time we go.
Best Free Adventure: Alpine Sliding rock: I felt like a hero for actually going down it with the kids.
That's it folks. Put a fork in me. Until Next Summer...I'm done!