When I was dating Sam, he always wore this fleece jacket. We called it the "fleece of many colors." I used to borrow it and wear it to school when I was cold and it smelled like him. It was big and cozy and super ugly.
Here is the only picture I can find of him wearing it back in the day. We were at a rodeo in Sun Valley with my family (circa 1998). Those were good times:

Sam and my brother picked up beer bottles off the ground to hold in the picture. It seemed soooo funny at the time. Now, not so much.
About two years ago, the thing went missing. Sam accused me of giving it to the DI. I adamantly denied it. He never believed me. A few weeks ago, he was cleaning out the garage and guess what he found? Yep. It's back and no worse for wear. I haven't seen Sam wear it since, but he can't bring himself to throw it out. I can't bring myself to throw it out either because it reminds me of Sam when we were dating, and life was easy and we didn't have four kids and a mortgage...
Then I started thinking about all the clothes I can't seem to part with...the "skinny jeans" that aren't even in style anymore but they will always be THE standard of skinniness for me. My old work suits, because you just never know if Sam will get hit by a bus. My tan suede jacket that I bought at the Nordstrom sale in 2002 and used to get sooo many compliments on. Never mind the fact that I haven't worn any of these items in over 5 years, I'll probably never unload any of them.
What are you hanging onto in your closet for sentimental reasons?
ps. This Monday through Wednesday I'm attending a work retreat with Sam. I don't know exactly what we will be doing but Sam mentioned a spa day for the women and I stopped listening after that. I was on board. I do know there will be some nice dinners. I want to wear dressy white pants with a black top. Does the old school rule still apply about white pants after Labor Day? Be honest.
NO, Brooke you told me that last year, remember! when I wore a white skirt to church!!! You're fine wear what you want, you'll look great.
That jacket is hideous. My husband had a pair of sweat pants similar to it and I DID throw them out.
I think white is okay in September. I think it's a little funky in January. Wear away, sista.
I am shocked that anyone would wear that fleece of many colors AND that you would date anyone wearing that fleece of many colors! It should be evidence of your true love for Sam that you would be seen with him that. (Though it doesn't look as bad in the picture as it does alone.)
I noticed the beer bottles right away and was trying to figure out if Corona made root beer.
I hope your work retreat is a great break for you!
I heard Clinton Kelly on "What Not to Wear" say that not wearing white after labor day is an old wives tale. That you can wear white whenever it tickles your fancy and for me, if "What Not to Wear" says it, it's fashion scripture.
Second, that fleece-- hideous. But I love that you're keeping it. I'm kind of sappy like that too.
That thing is UGLY!
And, you are far too cool to live by conventional fashion standards. You'll be a hottie in white.
I am good at getting rid of stuff so I don't have too many sentimental clothes but I have held onto a huge gray sweatshirt that says "FREMONT" that Grandpa Poole gave me because I lived in Fremont. It beats having a taxidermy bird if you know what I mean.
That fleece is so beyond ugly and it's hilarious that Sam (Joseph Abboud)wore it. I am so glad he found it in the garage. I LOVE it when Tyler acts like I lost something then he finds it in his golf bag.
I also remember Sam buying you a red fleece while you guys were dating. It was like some super nice fleece and he bought it with grant money he was supposed to do research with.
Tyler despises fleece jackets and made me get rid of the cute white one I was clinging to.
Finally, thank goodness we are not clinging to the light denim jeans we were wearing in that rodeo picture. And was that the night Sam punched Rex? Did that happen or was it just a threat? Good times.
I love the pic of all you guys 12 years ago. You're just babies!
Bill has a similar sweater from his mission that just ....dissapeared. Funny how that happens.
Enjoy your getaway!
You can definitely wear white! Hanging on to clothes for far too long is a much bigger fashion sin! :)
Pretend you live here... now is the peak time to be wearing white!
I loved this post (esp the pic of you guys back in the day).
I am a chucker but I do have a little black dress that both my sister and I bought when I was about 20 ... yes we were losers and wore them at the same time!
Enjoy your retreat ;-)
I think that you're TOTALLY fine to wear the white pants!!! But I lost all my fashion sense in the last couple years...so what do I know?
I think that you're TOTALLY fine to wear the white pants!!! But I lost all my fashion sense in the last couple years...so what do I know?
White is year round. Stacey and Clinton of "What Not to Wear" said so.
Sentimental or not, the jacket has got to go.
If you look good in white pants, wear them, not everyone is that lucky! I support being in denial that summer is coming close to an end. Have fun!!
As usual, you have suceeded at totally cracking me up! You are a tremendous writer, Brooke!
I was not surprised to see Rex holding the beer bottle...typical.
I'm holding onto a darling pink trench coat with black and white floral pattern. It's adorable...but I never wear it. It would have looked awesome with your black shirt and white pants.
Have fun at the conference!
UGH. That thing is heinous. Lance has something exactly like this--we call it The Shirket. It's an ugly plaid lumberjack shirt/jacket combo from who knows where. It made me so angry one day, I grabbed the pocket as Lancer ran off, and it tore off 90% of the way. Now it just hangs there. Someday I will set it on fire.
I'm not sentimental about clothes at all. I have no room in my crackerbox house. If it doesn't fit, it goes. No exceptions.
You look cute in everything, including white after Labor Day.
Hope you are having fun! Feel free to wear white!
Yes, I have a few clothes I cannot part with. Namely, 3 dresses...maybe I'l post a picture in the near future. I thought they looked cute at the time and I got compliments in them also. :)
Funny how it is hard to throw something out!
I love the jacket. Good thing he doesn't want to wear it. I have plenty of things I can't get rid of. I question the white issue myself, but if they look good wear them.
Love the fam photo! Rex sooo could be a beach bum drunk! LOL. I still have my size 27 waist jeans (light blue) that I had to buy after having babies because I needed a bigger pair... hmmmm... I wonder if they will ever fit one thigh now! We just had the white discussion at work. Here in St. George, nice warm st. geroge... white always looks great... but... the girls in cute fall clothes don't look like they are wearing summer left overs. Sorry to put a rain on your parade but my vote is get something more seasonal to make a statement. The white will work for the day but not for the night impress everyone scene. ...and my opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it. But, what ever you wear you will look great!
Open mouth, insert foot. Is "this" Monday, Last Monday? I just re-read your post to see where you were going... sorry! I have confidence you looked great!
Yikes.. that is a special sweater... ;]
So funny. And so applicable!
And Ashley's comment made me laugh because my husband despises fleece as well. He tossed out a sensible and comfy black fleece of mine practically the day we married.
...And if Clinton and Stacey said it, it's as good as Gospel truth.
Brooke, we are cracking up at that fleece. I well remember that from the Jamestown days. The funniest thing is that Nate has one just like it except it's a lovely shade of bright bluish purple. I used to wear it too and I even took it to Jerusalem so I do have some sentimental ties to it. His too was misplaced and I was blamed, then it also was found. The difference however, is that Nate insists on wearing his! Count your blessings.
Same work suits--buses after all.
Scott has that sweatshirt in teal. UGLY. Don't care what it reminds me of...UGLY. And he still wears it...even worse.
If you can wear white pants without LOOKING like a bus, I say go for it regardless.
I have a Rubbermaid container (see through of course) on top of our pantry fridge with my super cute clothes from Express circa 1999...for motivation...unfortunately, I've gotten really good at not looking up when I get the ice cream out of that fridge.
LOVE YOU! P.S. Where wll you take Buster during Spa Day? Will that person take Addie too? Their marriage is prearranged after all so they best get to know each other now!
I've been missing you Brookie!! Come back :)
I remember that fleece Jacket of Sam's. I was a friend of Sam's in his Stratford days.
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