I told you about my sister's holy grail search for high waisted jeans (she found the perfect pair of Not Your Daughter's at Nordstrom in California. I think the waistband actually sits above her bellybutton but she is thrilled with the coverage--sorry for the cheap shot Ashley!)
While she was looking for her mom jeans, I was on my own search for the perfect pair of white jeans for summer. I wanted a skinny fit that I could roll up the bottoms and the jean material had to be light weight but not see-through.
White jeans are already so unforgiving and I am sooo picky. After weeks of shopping, I found the perfect pair of Citizens at Nordstrom (the Ava fit). I ended up buying them on Piperlime with a friends and family 30% off pass. I don't know why I told you that other than to brag about the deal.
Here is the outfit I bought with the prize purse from Club Phat:
The tank and shrug are from Macy's.
Let's be honest, the Club Phat money didn't quite cover this outfit or the maxi dress I'm about to show you but I knew that Sam would want to reward me for my hard work (right babe--I'm sure he's nodding his head as he reads this.)
Here is the Maxi dress I bought on a whim because it goes with the same shrug:
I knew it looked a little frumpy in the store but the allure of not shaving and sitting like a man at church was too great. What do you think? Does it need to go back? I'm usually a short dress girl and apparently I love shrugs. All of my church stuff looks like this:

Sam wasn't thrilled with the maxi dress--at least his only comment was "...if that's what the kids are wearing..." Be honest, is the maxi dress totally unflattering. (Nic, I expect you to chime in since you are the authority on all things fashion!)
I have two maxi dresses, both of which I know to be unflattering...but, the allure...outweighs the unflattering and they are modest without being frumpy...they pass for dressy without requiring hosiery...there is a lot of good there. I say keep it. Not to mention the fact that when you're skinny (as you now are) you look great in everything. Enjoy it. I look forward to being there again someday soon. Oh, to boot, when you have to bend over to get Buster off the lady's chair in front of you at church, or out of her purse, no worry that your skirt is riding to high in the back...that's definitely good.
And you can't have your skirt pulled down as you stand up in the chapel, on the front row, right before church starts. All I have to say is thank goodness for black slips and the last minute thought to put one on that day...
Keep it :) You look great!
I have a couple of maxi dresses and I LOVE them. Landon like to refer to me as "Mrs. Roper" when I wear them. You know what? I don't even freakin' care. They are so comfy it's like wearing your pj's to church. And what could be better than that?? NOTHING!! I say keep it.
On a side note. You look fantastice! I have no will power and am jealous of anyone who does. I am in love with your white jeans and might just have to get a fat girl pair for me! Way to go on losing 13 lbs.
I wore my first maxi dress last Friday night!!! (I got it after Christmas and it took me 3 months to work up the courage to wear it). But now I think I am going to be a maxi convert.
You look a lot better in yours because you have more height (that prob didn't come out right) you look gorgeous!
PS You are a good wife to Save $ on clothes like you do.
I like the dress--I think it's super cute!! And I would totally tell you if it was fug-o.
Maxi dresses are the Sarah Jessica Parker of the dress world--all the women love them, and all the dudes think they are ugly and gross. Such is life!
CUTE jeans!! I need them.
Love the dress, and the Mostess' comment about SJP is the TRUTH.
I agree with the height comment--when you're tall you can pull off a maxi dress. I, however, cannot even though I would love the comfort and easiness. And aqua is definitely your color!
I can't do the maxi. Too muu-muu like for me. But you look really cute. I say go for it.
The dress looks great! I love maxi dresses. Right now I look about 4 months pregnant in mine, but it's so comfortable, I don't care.
You look fantastic!
I happen to love maxi dresses, but Corbin doesn't love them, either. I think you look very cute and I would tell you if I thought it needed to go back. You should know by now that I would. They are also ultra-comfy so I say, well done!
Also, I really, really love your white jean outfit. I'm not brave enough for that yet but you look great.
Maxi dresses are in. It's cute on you!
I checked with our Warner expert and Lindsay says that long dresses are the thing now. I think it looks good on you.
Long dresses were in when I was at BYU (yes, with Brigham, as Jon always reminds me). They hide a boatload of flaws and are really comfortable.
I, however, look like a short, stubby Amish woman when I wear them. They definitely work better if you're tall.
Love the color and pattern!
I am just telling you my opinion. Maxi dresses are in, but I am not a huge fan. They are very comfortable. I bought a couple of them two summers ago and wore them. I never felt cute in maxi dresses. I always felt like I looked pregnant. When ever I would wear it and someone had a cute short skirt on I always felt frumpy next to them. They always looked skinnier and cuter than me. So overall I vote maxi dresses are cute for pregnant people and at the pool over a swimsuit. Show off your hot new bod and wear a short dress. By the way I love your white skinny jeans. I have the Ava's in denim color and I love them. Cute outfit. I am obsessed with cardigans as well.
I adore the new outfit. White jeans??? You might have convinced me to go get some...in another 10 lbs. I'll have to go back and read your blog because I must have missed the post about winning Club Phat! congrats! I know the maxi dress is all the rage (I was just shopping with a friend for one.) however, i'd take it back and get yourself one of those cute short skirts. I love your style...
so...brookie...i personally LOVE the dress! i would keep it.
but please tell me, are all these people saying people my height are too short for long dresses? i haven't bought a new dress/skirt in YEARS (i desperately need some)because i have been waiting for LONG to come back in. i hate my short stubby legs hangin' out of knee lentgh stuff!
You look stunning in all outfits.
How on earth do you keep white jeans clean? I'd have crap all over them in nothing flat.
I tried the Ava Citizen's on at Nordstrom (denim not white) and they were the world's worst fit on me. The white jeans outfit is so so cute--love the long shirt with it. And The Mostess was dead-on with the Maxi dress as SJP comparison. I think your maxi is glamorous and you should wear it whenever you are trying to impress women. I might get one just for the crack-coverage. I love that you have friends with the cajones to tell you to take it back!
I LOVE maxi dresses- so comfy in every way. You look great in both outfits- love them!
I have more to say:
I want to know how you keep the white jeans white? When the kids were little my wardrobe consisted of only chocolate brown coloured clothes!
Do you lock the children up? thought so.
Ok height and a maxi dress. I had to get my maxi dress taken up ... a lot (just like every pair of pants and jeans I have ever cared about).
I think I am finished with my comments now ;-)
Your new white pants with the tank and shrug are darling! You look very skinny in them. I think the maxi dress is cute. I would keep it. It is cute!
You look great! You're tall and thin so you can pull off any look! (not fair).
Mmmm. It doesn't really do anything for you. I think I would return it unless it was really pretty inexpensive. Save your money for things that make you look really great. You do look great, too! I don't even aspire to pulling off white jeans. You have the body of a 19 yr old.
I have no credibility when it comes to fashion so I probably shouldn't comment at all, but I think you look great in all the ensembles in this post. I haven't worn white pants for 20 years and I can only dream of being able to wear a Maxi dress.
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