End of School craziness--I love the last two weeks of school but it it madness. I helped with three Kindergarten parties. Sammie had to make a car and bring it to school for a road rally (because that's really what every mom wants to be doing during the busiest week of her life).....I gave the job to Sam and he ran with it:
Here are Luke and Sammie on crazy hair day:
My favorite was that she had a mini tiara stuck into her bangs
And Hawaiian day:
We have started swimming lessons again (my favorite part of summer because I get to sit in the shade and pick up a big diet coke on the way home.)
Yes, I dress them the same every day...it is my right.
We finally finished soccer (Sam coached Luke's team):
We have also done plenty of pool time, some mall time (it's not all about the kids), and two Bee's Games:
I took the kids to Boondocks to scout the place out for Luke's upcoming birthday party. My three kids got into one of the bumper boats and went out on the water with a group of teenage girls who made it very clear they didn't want to get wet. Well guess who didn't give a rip what they wanted? Luke sprayed those girls until they were sopping wet. I had to walk away because I was laughing so hard:
Ryan tooling around Boondocks after he got wet in the boats...I have no pride.
And of course, we take lots of rides in the jeep in the evenings...good times!
ahhh you crack me up.
"it's not all about the kids"
so true, so true.
and i laughed at the boondocks story! i love how sammie is pointing -- presumably at the teenage girls -- LOL.
This is a great wrap up. The crazy hair is ... well crazy. Luke rocks the mohawk too.
I love that you dress Buster and his big bro the same. You made em so you can dress them anyway you want I say.
What's up with having to help in 3 kindergarten parties?!
Those last weeks of school are so insane, I wouldn't have been keen on the road rally situation either...thank goodness for dads!
May IS a crazy month! Looks like your kids had fun.
I met Sam's sister last night. Her little Teague totally reminded me of Sam.
I hear ya! I've gotten in more mall time in the last two weeks since school got out than all year long. It rocks to have built in babysitters!! Just you wait ;) Summer just gets better and better as they get older!
This is why you can't quit blogging! What is this boondocks of which you speak? It looks fun! And you are right about swim lessons--I switched from a big insitutional situaion to a private pool where I lay on a shaded chaise. It's been life-changing.
I'm so glad you take advantage of your Jeep on warm summer nights.
PS--I'm coming to Utah in July. I'm thinking you, me, Cafe Rio. Or I can just come over to your house, and you can feed me your famous salad and creamed corn. Either way!
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