Our family usually goes out to dinner for Thanksgiving (yeah..we're weird) but this year, my mom cooked dinner at her house (everyone helped with something) and it was really relaxing and nice. We fed the kids first and then sent them downstairs to watch a movie. The adults got to eat their meal in peace and then we all hung out around the fire and chatted and ate pie, etc.
On this day of gratitude, I just want to say how grateful I am for my family. My friends are always always telling me how lucky I am to have my mom (she deserves her own post!) but I am grateful for the rest of my family too. I am so lucky to be surrounded by such loving, fun, supportive people. I am also grateful for Sam. He is a great dad and he does so much to help me. Sam has a wonderful family too and I'm grateful for them as well. My kids are the joy of my life and make me a happy lady.
Here are some photos of our Thanksgiving dinner (I wish I would have taken my good camera..these photos are the worst...and I apologize for not getting any photos of the menfolk.)
These are the placecard turkeys my mom made with the kids a few days before the big day:
My obnoxious boys:
Ashley and my mom hovering over the bird..I wish I had gotten an action shot of everyone in the kitchen working on their different assignments:
My mom with Ashley's boys:
My sis-in-law Katie made these darling candy turkeys for the kids to eat for dessert:
Look at Buster's face..can you tell he loves Katie:
Okay..now onto Christmas. I put up my tree this morning!
I am thankful that you posted the hovering-over-the-bird pic of me rather than the one highlighting my buttoned cardi or the one highlighting Tyler's great rack.
Thanksgiving was really nice this year. Sending the kids away was the best.
I don't have either of those pics on my camera...they are both on yours.
It seems like your responsibilities for Thanksgiving dinner were mostly supervisory in nature and that you were also responsible for documenting everyone else's hard work by taking the pictures.
Did you make anything and, if so, was it GDN-worthy?
First of all, Greg - Brooke made her signature salad - it's GREAT and really yummy.
We did have a fun day and it was brilliant to feed the kids first then send them downstairs. I think if we had had a stopwatch and timed the kids, we would have proof that they finished Thanksgiving dinner in less than five minutes. Just long enough to eat a roll. (Of course, they ate candy all through the movie and came up for dessert. I pretty much cleaned up 5 full plates from the kids.
Happy Thanks Giving to you and yours Brooke.
Those little turkey desserts are so cute. Adorable!
I wish we could have ditched the kids on our big day. Your plan was genius.
Glad you had a great day with your family. You're such a great mom, and everyone around you is lucky you are in their lives!
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