I was so relieved that the producers didn't make any of the families do dumb stuff like they usually do. Remember the bird funeral? Or the actor who played some one's dad or Gia's mom reading the taro cards? So awkward.
Wasn't Chris' dad sweet? I think I want Sam to give me a Dennis bracelet for our anniversary that says "Love is the only reality" or whatever that quote was. I really liked Chris' family but I'm not loving Chris. He bores me and he isn't funny. But he does love his dead mother. He's the next to go.
Oh Roberto. How hot was he in his uni? But c'mon Ali--you've got to stop fake laughing around him. I'm convinced now more than ever that Roberto is just a pretty face. Roberto's dad didn't' think Ali was good enough for Roberto. He kept talking about Roberto's "big dreams" and I couldn't help but remember that Roberto currently sells insurance....not that there's anything wrong with that!
Frank. We all know Ali likes Frank the best. She is pretty obvious about it. From his brown sweater, I'm convinced Frank manages a Banana Republic in some mall in Chicago. Once again, that's okay, but he is always talking about how he is a screenwriter. I really liked Frank's parents but I don't like how wishy washy he is. I want him to be crazy about Ali and sure that she is the one--at least Chris and Kirk seemed completely sure about her. I'm going to be so bugged in Tahiti when Frank turns into a drama queen. We all know it's coming from the previews.
Did you like Ali's pink dress at the rose ceremony? I like the rosettes but it felt a little like a 90's prom dress to me.
So we're off to Tahiti...the fantasy suites...Roberto in a swimsuit....I can't wait!
I caught the second half, came in during the taxidermy room. There was something off about Kirk but yes he was a nice normal guy and it was sad to see him get hurt. Tyler is convinced that Frank is gay but I think he's just a fashionista. Didn't like the beater under the cardi, but thought the whole outfit might be cute on a girl. I thought Ali looked good at the rose ceremony but agree that it was more prom-y than cocktail party. No big surprises tonight. Tahiti will be great!
Just finished it - gotta do it w/ the DVR to skip the commercials and Chris Harrison and all the dramatic pauses during the rose ceremony. You know there is someone behind the stage whispering to Ali on the final rose, "not yet, not yet, make 'em wait, Ali, not yet. . .okay, drop the bombe!" Anyway, your dad thought Frank was gay, too, Tyler! The problem Ali's got with all these guys is that none of them seem to be too career-oriented. Of course, she wants to own a business. . .
Wonder if my old boyfriends were as put off by the taxidermy in my basement? At least I didn't offer them treats from the freezer w/ the dead carcasses (we had 'em) Guess it was a good test for them. .
So sad that Kirk had to go, it makes me all the more frustrated that Frank is there and just pulling the wool over her eyes. It's like he wants her or someone else to convince him that Ali loves him--it's as if he's trying to hide the fact from her that he's not that into her. It is so weird. As far as Frank is concerned the relationship is all about him! Somebody shake Ali--wake up girl!!! Just watching tension between the two of them was stressful enough--who wants a marriage of such turmoil and doubt? Run Ali Run!
Roberto, yes, still a cute guy but what else? I don't think I would ever want to go into a family feeling like my soon-to-be husband's family thinks their son is too good for me. Pride like that makes me sick. I'm sorry, I don't think all those trophies prove he is marriage material. I liked his mom though, she was sweet! I loved all the dancing--so cute! Roberto's parents were smokin' up the dance floor! Love it! I guess if Ali wants a fantasy--she should go for the whole thing! Doesn't look like reality but it looks fun!
So sad for Kirk--he may have been around a week longer if his dad didn't invite her first thing into the basement. He did it in such a creepy way too. And seriously, keeping frozen treats in the same freezer as dead animals...gross!
I'm still hoping Chris will make it to the end and that his love for his mother will fade more into the background. I agree he seems a bit boring, but at least he's real and loves her more than himself. Such a great quality! I didn't like how Roberto was changing his opinion to match Ali's--it was buggy. I loved Chris' family and I just love how his family is all about the love! I want one of those bracelets too! I'd say Chris is a pretty romantic kind of a guy considering his dad met his mom in a bar the way they did! I am just amazed at how well and grounded Chris and his siblings turned out. Where did I go wrong? I wish my kids thought so highly of me! I just hope my kids appreciate me before I die!
Well, I am really hoping that next week goes down with a bang and that Frank is next to go--I am done with him. :) He will never be happy--because when he's happy he is so worried about when the bubble is going to burst. Going to Disneyland with Frank would be a a complete waste of a good time! Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy!
Did you notice Ali is always drinking? Midday, evening, night, she drinks a lot. I don't think weve seen her with a water bottle. What about the sloppy joes at Franks house, that cracked me up. National TV and sloppy joes? I'm not a great cook, but I think I could do better than sloppy joes! I'm starting to wonder if she ends up with any of them...
roberto is hot, but chris is the only way to go. he is sincere and normal and such a good guy. frank is lame and girly. she should go for chris for the long haul or stick with roberto for a few months just for his hotness.
Kirk was totally my fave. They're all good-looking (esp. Roberto), but I def. agree with what you said on previous posts: Roberto just seems to be a hot veneer, Chris is nice but just a little too preoccupied w/ his mom, and Frank is too busy obsessing over whether their relationship is "real" to take time to take steps to make it real. Ugh. Liked him at first; now, totes over him. He does rock out the glasses, though.
i liked kirk a lot, too!
sad to see him go.
i think it will come down to roberto and chris because frank probably bails on HER next week ...
I think Frank is totally going to bail...and after seeing his wife beater/sweater combo, I'm OK with that. I think Chris is Ali's best bet, especially after watching them on the rocking chairs on the porch. Also, she needs to get her roots done. Hello...you're on television...do you not notice that we can still see your dark roots no matter how you part your hair?
You're Mum's comment is the best!
Heather I am with you.... Ali's roots have been driving me crazy!! And I know that everyone seems to like Frank, but I will be happy to see him go!
As for my earlier comment about the romantic notion of his parents meeting in a bar--I didn't complete my thoughts. That just doesn't seem like the most romantic start for a relationship--but I thought it was sweet that they all did! Still, I like that they all think it was a romantic start-- and I can't help but be impressed that their kids all seemed to turn out so well--impressive! :)
Ok, so I loved Frank before, but now I'm not so sure. The outfit being the first offender, but secondly, I think he's up to something. I think he bails next week, which I can't believe I'm saying because I always thought he was so into her.
I'm pulling for Roberto. Chris is nice, but that's just it. These relationships never work out and the kid has been through enough recently to be pulled through the 15 minutes of bachelor drama. I say if you're going to have a 15 minute bachelor romance, have it with the hot guy. Go for Roberto, Ali.
Finally got caught up on the show...sorry to see Kirk go, I had thought he'd be in the final three. I was totally rooting for Frank, but he seems to have lost his appeal. I don't know that she'll end up with any of them now. It seems like her order is #1Frank, #2 Roberto and #3 Chris, but with Frank's drama next week, who knows. Maybe she'll meet a nice normal guy at Starbucks after this is all over :)
I liked Kirk too but his family was a little "odd." I would choose Chris and I would love his dad! But, Ali won't move back to MA. Me? I could see myself on the Cape. Heck yeah!
Love your Bachelorette posts! And yes, I loved Ali's dress. I thought it was perfect for the rose ceremony. My vote is for Chris L!
I sort of feel that Frank is too feminine. This post was hilarious.
Ok, just read the other comments and saw that there are those out there who believe he is actually gay. I would not be surprised.
I am still heartbroken that she sent "the weatherman" home several weeks ago. We are missing you guys in Sun Valley. It is not the same without you.
So I am glad that Kirk is gone. I still think Roberto is in front for the final rose. If Chris got rid of his moms signature tatoo across his chest he would be better off. See ya to Frank he is lame.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you watch Burn Notice?
i swear i commented on this one. anyway... i came to double check. does this mean you really didn't watch MEN TELL ALL?? you didn't see kasey sing his latest song? or craig (lawyer) being the spokesman of the group? or poor mr. weatherman?? oh brooke, it was pretty lame. meaning sooo good. i totally don't think she chooses anyone. chris harrison never asked, 'are you happy? have you found love? are you engaged, etc.' and they totally replayed the 20/20 from last season. don't they know die hards can see right through this money making scheme!!
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