So I haven't blogged in awhile. I wish I had some awesome excuse but the truth is, I'm just really really tired. Three months of getting up all night is starting to take it's toll. After the kids are in bed (way too late because it's summer) I think about walking downstairs to blog and I can't get off the couch. I'm too tired to walk across the room and pick up the tv remote...tired. I would tell you more about how tired I am but as Ashley always says, "Tired gets no respect."
Plus, I have totally overbooked my kids. What else is new? We do swimming lessons, gymnastics, sports camp, piano lessons and the gym. I can't say no to anything and because I was so afraid of them being bored--I spend my days driving them from thing to thing and yelling at them to "get in the damn car!"

This little butterball is my car seat baby:
I think back to how lovingly I cared for my first baby Luke. The whole day was about him. We had a routine where he got bathed in the morning, rubbed down with lotion, we read books, napped, etc etc.
Buster is lucky to get a "mexi-shower" every three days or so. That is where I put him under the running water in the kitchen sink and shampoo his hair. Then it's back in the swing or the bouncer and then the car seat. Poor kid. Yes, he's totally fat. Once the hair goes, party's over. Good thing I have a huge crush on him.
When we are home, I'm usually picking up messes and the kids are sneaking downstairs to watch iCarly (a total big kid show.) I've given in to it.
So that's where I've been folks. I'm livin' the dream. Did anyone watch the Men Tell All? I was too tired. What did I miss? Did I mention how tired I am....
Tired really doesn't get any respect. No ones cares if you're tired. They're much nicer if you have, say, a bum leg or the like.
Mini will be lavished with all kinds of attention and love. The subsequent kids will get the same treatment as Buster. Oh well. I'm already tired.
Is that why Ashley pulled the lung thing, so she could get some respect? :)
You didn't miss anything Monday night- we yawned our way through Men Tell All. So boring.
Gosh, I love your fat baby- he's just so fat and squishy, and those are the best kind of babies to have. And lastly, you may feel tired, but you certainly don't look it. It was fun to see you last week.
You are incredible! So clever, and witty, and hilarious, all while being sooooo tired..seriously, that's impressive! :-) And, is that you in the picture with Sammie?'s to hoping my backside looks that good in 2 months!! :-)
PS...get yourself a laptop, or better yet, an ipad--it makes nursing time so much better..and then you never have to get off the couch!:-)
I respect tired! I often feel zombified from rough nights of sleep, so I totally feel for you. It's just too cruel that babies wake so often in the night.
Wow, you're a champ to have signed your kids up for so much. I wouldn't have wanted to have to go anywhere after having a baby!
It's crazy to think how we probably all treated our first babies. Landon and I were like a dreamy couple making goo goo eyes at each other all day. Your Mexi-shower comment made me laugh.
I wish I could take the tired away. . .I do have to say that you & the kids (they are adorable) are pretty impressive for being so tired.
I give you respect....3 months is when I really hit the wall.
I'm way impressed with all you've got your kids doing. They totally deserve to watch iCarly so you can catch a break. You are a super mom!
You're tired? That's've never mentioned it.
I feel for you my friend. I booked the kids last year when I had Grant because I thought they would drive me crazy. No camps for us this year, but it's been better and it will get better for you.
My advice to you is this: Sleep train that butterball before he turns 7 months because your window for doing it the easiest is between 4 and 7 months. Listen to me and just do it. It you think you are tired after 3 months of waking up multiple times at night, just wait until it's been 15 months. sigh...
I am so tired too. I just begged Charlie to let me lay on the couch for another minute . . . another minute . . . another minute. . . you are on your way through it though and a day will come some day (I imagine) when you are not tired. Buster really is a butterball and he is so cute! He looks like a stuffed animal. I'm so glad to look at him now instead of Frank.
P.S. Sammie has great form!
I give tired RESPECT!
I was going to say chin up Ducky this to will pass, but then I remembered you have 4 kids...
Sammie looks fab on the balance beam and I can totally see you giving her a fake tan/fake teeth for upcoming exhibitions.
You should give yourself a medal for taking care of your first child so lovingly, some firstborns get the Buster treatment from the get go...allegedly your Honour.
All your children look adorable on the couch!
That's so true that tired gets no respect! Rough to have a baby right before the kids are out of school for summer. You have to entertain all day while you are absolutely bushed.
Sammie seriously looks good doing her gymnastics. We're just proud to have mastered the forward roll this summer.
My kids like big kid shows too.
i think being tired is a perfect excuse for not blogging. i believe that you don't need to have an excuse. if you don't feel like blogging, you shouldn't. that's what i love about having my very own blogging space...i don't report to anyone. i can so what i want.
hope you start feeling better! thanks for always making me smile. i adore your blog.
Sammie looks like a natural. I love that you schedule your kids so much that you can't get off the couch. I can't get out of the car. Sometimes I just sit their and when Jason pulls in from work I jump get out of the car and scare the pants off him.
holy crap brookie....buster is the cutest, CHUBBIEST little man in the entire world! i love him.
I am laughing so hard at (with) you and Ashley with these two posts of yours and Ashley's comment about Frank. He is (judging from that photo and the gossip) totally unattractive. Buster on the other hand, is absolute chubby perfection!
You know, I don't know why tired gets no respect--everyone suffers from it. It's an honest 'excuse' and therefore shouldn't be blown off as one.
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