You get told every single day that you must be making "straight cream." I have probably been told this at least 100 times and I'm not exaggerating. I think it is just what comes to mind for people to say when they see a really chubby baby like mine.
It usually doesn't bother me, because let's face it, I must be making straight cream.
When Luke was about 3 months old and fat (because my babies are always fat at 3 months) I went to one of Sam's work parties. One of the senior partner's wives took one look at Luke and told me that when her son was a baby, she had a friend who also had a fat baby. Her own baby was skinny. She told me that one day both she and her friend had pumped milk and put it in the fridge. Her friend's milk was thick--just like whole milk-- "straight cream" and her own milk was almost see through--like skim milk. She said it was because she was really active and went out running every day and her friend just sat on the couch all day and took naps.
Then she walked away, leaving me holding my fat baby and the assumption that I lay around all day. Oh well. I feel bad for her and her skinny baby and I think her friend is the smartest woman alive. I wouldn't trade Buster's chubba thighs and cheeks for anything.
oh my heavens! some people. haha.
Babies are supposed to be fat. Chub-a-lub, rolly-pollies are the cutest. I would be so sad without some squishy thighs to squeeze and fat cheeks to smooch.
Your tubby babe is adorable and perfect.
I have chubby babies and I think they are so much cuter than skinny babies! Nora is still very chubby, she still has rolls down her arms and her thighs and chubby cheeks--I can't walk through a store without people stopping me to squeeze her! Your guy is so lovable and squeezable!
Chubby babies are definitely cuter! I don't think her theory has any merit to it, she just wanted to make herself feel better for her skinny wrinkly babies. How can you lay around and take naps all day with 3 kids?
He is beautiful. I think being told your baby is fat is a huge compliment. Someone last night told me that mine was skinny and it really bothered me. I feel that it is similar to telling a woman she is fat or old.
A mother of a fat baby has nothing to fear; a mother of a skinny one has a lot of questions to answer to make sure her baby is getting all he needs to grow properly. There are some women out there with such a strong sense of vanity about their own body size that they are proud when their children seem to validate their self-image as slim and athletic. Even when it means their kids are unhealthy.
I live and die for Macy's chubby legs right now. I've never had it before....apparently, I've just been lying around on my couch....I wish!
Skinny babies scare me. I'll tell that to anyone. I'd rather see a chubby little guy anyday.
Where do people come from. SERIOUSLY! Do they think they can just say anything. Who tells another mom that they must just lay around all day? Give me a break!
I KNEW you were just lying around all day on the couch for the past 3months.
I totally relate. My first baby girl was just like your chubby little angel! And yes for some reason when my milk was pumped and in the fridge next to my babysitters (she had a newborn as well) it looked like cream in comparison. Yet she was the one home sitting with the 2 newborns while I worked my but off at work. ha ha
Wouldn't trade it for the world, my baby was and still is healthy and beautiful.
DUH! A mother's milk's fat content has nothing to do with her activity level.
I heart chubby babies. They are so cute.
I think Buster is adorable and perfectly chubbalicious. Two of my babies were total chunks (the other was mildly chunky)!
When else in life are fat rolls and cellulite considered cute? Live it up, Buster. Live it up.
He is SO CUTE! I always wanted a chubby baby! I laid around all day and fed my kids formula. Mine were skinny. People say the dumbest things.
you know how I fell about "chubby-lubby's"...wouldn't want it any other way! i really need to get my hands on that chubster again, soon!oh, he is SO cute.
You must be making straight cream.
That's totally awesome.
My babyies were chubs too. On a trip to Boston a lady stopped in the middle of town and asked if she could take a picture of my 6-month-old Lucy who was bursting out of her umbrella stroller. Um... what is that? "That baby is the biggest baby I've ever seen, can I take her picture?"
I have yet Googled
"fat baby pics." I'm nervous hers will be the most rated. Your fat baby pics are pretty cute, though too.
She probably felt bad about her little skinny baby... Your baby is beautiful and healthy...I love babies with some chub. Much better for squeezing and kissing.
What a rude woman to say such a thing, I guess she was just trying to make herself feel better about her skim-milk situation. Sheesh!
When Whitney was 3 months old we were at a ward activity and a woman came up to me and said, "Whoa, it looks like she's not missing any meals! Then hesitated and choked out, "Yeah, she's cute." Her manner was so incredibly rude that it took me a long time to shake it off, and obviously I haven't forgotten the incident 9.5 years later!
I must make 1%....and trust me, I'm not running every day.
he is just delicious.
I like fat babies. And I make cream too. So there! :)
I had skinny babies and I sat on my butt, ate junk food, and didn't work out, so bang goes that theory. Your little man is adorable! I feel bad for your back and arms, though!
In the top picture he looks so much like Sammie! Darling!
I love hearing that you are tired--not because I want you to be tired, but it make the rest of us tired moms feel better. Jacob has been sick and up at night all I get it.
I don't know how you do it with 4!! :) Looks like the kids are having fun though.
What a load of crap! Two of my babies were fat, fat, fat. One was skinny, and I was just as active with the fat ones as with the skinny ones. I love bubba. Seriously, it is really sad when you don't get to squish that fat little baby thigh everyday. Enjoy it.
LOVE his fatness- and jealous that mine were never as chubby as yours. Count yourself a lucky girl, Brooke!
What the? I can't believe the nerve of some people.
There is no substitute for a chubby baby. Mine were skinny as birds and it always worried me. Hug that chubster tight, mama. And think how strong your arms are getting by lugging him around all day!
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