Between complaining about the wicked heat and having my kids home alllll day, I just want to say I love summer. Now that it is August, I've got to soak up the last remaining days of summer before fall hits and school and carpools take over my life. Best three things of summer? Swimming, S'mores and Sunday drives.
Swimming: My kids took swimming lessons this summer and believe it or not, I love the days we go to swimming lessons. My kids have improved a lot this summer and it's fun to see them finally confident in the water. It's really the only time I go outside during the day--but I like being outside sitting in the shade.
I also like picking up lunch and a big diet coke on the way home. Usually going to the pool is my favorite thing to do in the summer but it hasn't happened that much this year due to the bambino.

S'mores: I love taking the kids up the canyon to roast dogs and have s'mores. I've gone on record before saying that our mountains are the most beautiful place in the world and I'm sticking to that. I especially love going up the canyon in the summer.

Sunday drives: Most Sunday evenings, we go on a drive in Sam's jeep with the top off. When Sam bought the jeep, I wasn't happy. I wanted him to get a conservative sedan. I hate driving the stick--because it doesn't free me up to eat or talk on the phone while a drive--and I hate my hair blowing around in the car. But the last few Sundays, I've changed my mind.

I love going on drives in the evening with the cool air and the tunes up. Sam has satellite radio and we get some awesome 80s and 90s music. It does feel a little sacrilegious to have "I wanna sex you up" playing as all six of us drive around town. Yes, we have all four kids across the back seat. Please don't call the authorities.
Last Sunday, we saw this vanity plate and neither of us could figure out what it stood for:

It is a little hard to see in the picture. It says "FLTRN" with a hot pink stick figure girl in front of it. Any ideas? Sam's best guess was "full time RN" I don't think so. (It was a man driving.) Speaking of vanity plates, my favorite is already taken by some other mom at my school. It says "4 2 MNY". Perfect for me.
That's it folks! I love Summer.
The kids' hair looks super red under the water, which is funny because I always think of their hair as being Strawberry blonde. But then again, what do I know?
I've been trying to come to grips with the fact that we've only been to the pool twice this summer. It feels like we've been busy.
We haven't had any s'mores yet this summer, but we're going camping this weekend (clean camping, nothing hard core) and will be partaking.
How funny that you can fit all 4 kids in the jeep. Is Buster seatless and strapped next to them or what? Those baby seats are huge! Sunday drives in the jeep must be so fun.
Isn't that vanity plate trying to say "Flirtin"?
I LOVE the picture of the kids underwater. Their hair looks so red! I could never play that song with Jackson around, he would be FULL of many questions that I've already lied to him about. Take turns in that jeep and keep the babe at home! (But I won't call the authorities.)
Luke looks just like Charlie in that picture. Which is strange, because Charlie looks just like Tyler. Hmm.
You have fire pits in the canyon? Like, you drive up, pull over, and make a fire in the pit for s'mores? I'm confused by your state. Please clarify.
To the ah-tick-tock, you don't stop-stop! Color me Badd rulez. Don't forget the extra 'd' on the end. I like that Sam is big fan of ghetto/trashy rap like me.
If you look at the plate holder, it's talking about fuel. I think it says "fuel train" or "fuel transmission." That's my best guess.
Luke is very much a red head under the water - I thought it was one of Ashley babies in the picture (don't dwell on the fact I'm saying that like I actually know Ashley).
Where does Buster sit? On your knee in the front in true ghetto style I hope.
Sam is very cool to be having a topless car as my kids call them.
I love it that Sammie has a flower in her hair even doing outdoorsy stuff.
I'm pretty sure that the vanity plate means "flirtin' which is obnoxious. But embarrassingly I don't know what "4 2 MNY" means.
Love the photos and the fact that you drive in the jeep. Shelly and her hubby and kids drive around in an old Bronco. You gotta embrace the breeze.
Hi everyone,
Just to clarify. Luke isn't a red head but sure looks like one under the water.
Buster is in a certified baby carrier strapped in. Ryan is in a booster strapped in. The older two kids are sharing a seat belt in the middle, which I've heard is even less safe than wearing no belts. The alternative is to have Luke stay home alone, which he does about half the time. Either way we are horrible parents.
As for the s'mores, there are plenty of camping sites with concrete fire pits up the canyon. We pull in, park and go find one. Easy breezy--my perfect way to enjoy the great outdoors.
As for the license plate that I like--it means four too many as in 4 too many kids.
Any other questions? Boy I really blew this post.
FLTRN = Flatiron, as in the Flatiron building in NYC. Flatironcorp.com looks like they have dealings in SLC, it could be related to them.
i was gonna say flat iron, too :)
Anon should really take credit for getting flatiron out of FLTRN...
I'm with all the people who thought Luke was Charlie. If you hadn't had the second pic underneath I never would have known the difference.
I read posts like this and really miss the canyon. Sniff.
And I am going to have trashy 90s music in my head for the rest of the night...next up, "Shoop."
I agree--I love summer too. Fun pictures of the kids and what you have been doing. I love the underwater picture of Luke and Sammie!
my best license plate guess is "full terrain," which is a stupid guess because, that car is anything but full terrain.
Second, what canyon are you going to with a firepit that nice? I must know!
Third, the kids are darling!
We are just going up Big Cottonwood canyon to Storm Mountain--they have the concrete fire pits so I can wear flip flops! You have to make a reservation if you want a big one with tables for a big group but you can just go use one if it is just a small group.
Rebes and I also enjoy swimming and smores only we do it up at Pineview Lake. We take the trailor up just about every weekend and the boat stays parked up their all summer so we can just launch and go. If you ever want to enjoy your swimming and smores in a different location you always have an open invitation!
hey i have something to send you (i promise it's not a bomb) ... will you please email me your address?
sewsara at gmail
I don't know how you do all this (or anything at all) with Buster and all those kids. This post makes me tired. I signed Charlie up for swimming lessons twice a week and I am scared stiff about how we're doing to do those. I feel bad about that week I was in Utah and you took all your kids to the zoo with me. Sorry.
Loved this post. I'm so glad you guys are having a great summer. Ours has been great too, but fairly limited because of the babes. We still have another month before school starts again. Some days I'm glad and some days I think they'll kill each other first. Guess we'll see what happens.
It's so great to see your fam roasting hot dogs over a campfire--good memories in the making! That S'more looked yummy--they are even yummier if you stick in a mini-Reese's inside for the chocolate. :9
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