I sure can! Tonight did not disappoint. I'm on a high. This is good tv folks. Ali + Roberto=true love. I think these two are going to make it. I really hope they don't let me down.
Roberto is so so cute. He really stepped it up tonight and showed some personality. He has the cutest mannerisms. I love how he grabs Ali and pulls her close or touches her nose or whispers "Be my wife." I was so so glad he didn't pick the yellow diamond. I was yelling "no" at the tv when Neil pulled that one out. I loved him sweating like crazy as he proposed. I knew when he had to go up all those stairs it wasn't going to be pretty. But you know what--I love Roberto even with sweat dripping down his face. I think it makes him cuter and more real.

And Ali is our best bachelorette yet. She is so happy all the time. As they were showing past clips tonight, I thought to myself, she is always smiling. I love that about her. And I love that she was honest with Chris and told him it was over before the rose ceremony. At the end of her date with Roberto, she said she didn't want to go on her date with Chris, and I thought "why would they give it away like that?"
Then next thing we know, she is knocking at Chris' door. She did the right thing.
And Chris. Poor darling Chris. He is such a class act.

I fell in love with him too tonight. He was so cute and hurt and kind when Ali broke up with him. He was also so classy on the After the Final Rose. He had nothing but kind things to say to Ali and I loved that he didn't come on the show demanding answers from her. He understood that simply, she had stronger feelings for someone else.

And the rainbow. I know I've grown tired of Chris talking about his mother--I'm a horrible person--but that rainbow melted my black heart. I might have even shed some tears (all the while I was nursing with three kids running and jumping all over me and I'm screaming at them to get out of the room!)
It was such good tv. Did you all love it as much as I did?

And to think that one week from tonight, we all move back into the bachelor pad. The sleaze that awaits us. I don't want to watch. I really don't. But we all know I will.
yes -- loved it!
i was so glad that she let chris go early, too. that was the first time that's ever happened. good for her.
they seemed so cute and happy on the 'after' show.
and didn't chris look WAY cuter on that show, too? i thought so.
i loved roberto from the beginning. so glad she chose him.
i want kirk to be the next bachelor and was hoping they'd announce that tonight.
i know i'll be watching the sleazy bachelor pad next week, too. can't help it!
I LOVED TONIGHT! The whole time I kept saying "He is SO cute!" about Roberto. I don't just mean his looks either.
And YES I fell in love with Chris and how he took the news. Class act is right.
Best finale ever. LOVED!
Sara - Chris did look extra cute tonight for sure! I hope he finds an amazing girl.
Girl, please. You know you and Ashley will be receiving an email in 4 months from me stating "another one bites the dust!" and it will be about these two.
Mark. My. Words.
You crack me up as usual.
LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it! Totally cried when she broke up with Chris. Roberto is her soul mate. I'm convinced they'll work out.
Chris is darling. How can you not love him???
I agree. Best Bachelorette ever and best finale. To think...I wasn't even going to watch it this season because I thought she was too whiney. So glad I caved.
Now on to trash and sleaze with the Bachelor Pad.
I loved it too. I LOVED the rainbow! Wow. And I love that they showed her perspective of it on the after show. I want Chris to be the next Bachelor. I think he will get more confidence and, therefore, be more fun. He deserves someone amazing. I don't want to watch the pad either, it seems like going from Oprah to Jerry Springer...What else am I going to do on a Monday night, have FHE?
Ahhhh, I am out of the country for another three weeks and of course this happens to be the best episode ever. None of the internet sites play it international it seems.
I saw the jimmy kimmel wrap-up though and thought it was very telling that Frank bowed out last minute from the "after the final rose". I bet she's glad now he dropped out early, they would've never "made" it with as he's so wishy washy.
Tonight was very good TV! I really hope they make it, but I had high hopes for Ed and Jillian as well. (I knew Jake and Vienna were a train wreck!) Speaking of train wrecks, on to the Bachelor Pad!
I watched the ending with a big embarrassing grin on my face. The best part about it was sparing Chris the final date and rose ceremony. It makes her relationship with Roberto more real--I always wonder how bachelors/ettes can be kissing/lovely dovey with multiple people the night before getting engaged to someone. Clearly this is true love and the Mostess is wrong! Anyway, I thought it was classy of Ali to send Chris home early and yes he is a total class act (though totally boring too--please Fleiss don't make him our next bachelor!). BTW, Reality Steve was WRONG all along this time! Delightfully!
I am still in mourning over Frank. Which is probably why I just didn't feel it for "Roberdo" (she should just call him Bobby). But Chris ... that whole rainbow thing got me, and by the end I was convince he could be the next Bach.
But here's my million dollar idea- Ali and Roberdo need to have a reality show where we can watch how their relationship tanks. I would watch that faithfully.
I loved the show last night! I'm happy she ended up with Roberto and I really hope that they make it. The seem to be really happy and in love. I wish them all the best! I really did like Chris, I hope he doesn't become the next bachelor and that he goes back home and finds a really nice girl that will love him and his family. I think Kirk should be the next Bachelor or why not bring in somebody brand new that we haven't met yet.
Don't know if I can muster the energy to watch the sleazy bachlor pad or not. The previews look pretty nasty, although seeing Tenley maybe find love would be nice. Surprised that Vienna isn't jumping at the action.
True story - such good tv last night.
So not a bachelor watcher, but had to tune in because of your posts....it was cute.
But I could not get past Roberto's strange collar at the rose ceremony. Maybe its just me.
Okay. So between this post, the fact that I was rooting for the hot Latino from the get-go and she actually chose him, and the knowledge that my sis who never watches watched this episode and cried: I must go watch on Hulu. I will tonight during the 3 AM feeding.
I'm with Michelle. Chris was my favorite all along, but I absolutely don't want to see him be the next Bachelor. I hope he goes back to Cape Cod, finds the girl for him, and settles down to a nice normal off-camera life.
I was bawling at that rainbow...I know I look for signs from my Mommy everyday.
Hi! I just randomly found your blog through Lizzie Whetton, but I HAD to comment on this post because I loved it! It made me laugh, and I agreed with a lot that you said. However, I was definitely a Chris fan and was rooting for him. But, I do admit that Ali and Roberto seem happy, and I agree that Ali has been a great bachelorette. So down-to-earth and sweet. Let's hope Chris is the next bachelor! And bring on Bachelor Pad!
Loved the Finale! Roberto and Ali are way cute and i Think they just might be the next tristan and Ryan.
Poor Chris1! I too, hope he finds a cute girl, Although i kindof think he needs to remove the tatoo. Way too hard for any girl to make out with him with his mom's name on his chest! Just saying....
So I just got done watching it! I should really watch the whole season, but I really like just reading your recaps about it...but watching this one episode was worth it all. Those two have a good chance of making it, the way they laugh together. It's so cute. Only time and Us Weekly will tell. :)
Just to chime in.... Rebes and I LOVED it too. Best season yet! We are certain there is happily ever after with this couple.
Even though I was a Chris fan, I still loved the finale. I thought it was pretty classy of Ali to let Chris go before the rose ceremony, it showed how much she thought of Chris. I loved the rainbow! It was so great to see how instantly happy it made Chris and how Ali recognized the significance of it as well. That was pretty incredible. I have to admit that after watching Ali blow it the previous season with Jake it was hard to change my perception of her completely. She grew on me more and more over the course of this season. Maybe I am judging Roberdo too harshly because of his good looks-- but I have just always felt that their relationship lacked substance and seemed superficial. If Ali and Roberto ever had deep conversations, the show never showed them. I was left wanting more. I hope their relationship is more than just physical attraction. Only time will tell. With Chris, I believe he will give his heart to one person for the rest of his life and that is it. I think he could make a relationship work with anyone he chooses. I'm afraid Roberto could be the next Tiger Woods. I sooo hope I'm wrong! I think Chris will be the next bachelor because of all the women out there in tears over the rainbow--not sure if he'd be able to take crushing so many hearts at all the future rose ceremonies but I would love to see and watch him find his perfect one. :)
Love reading all your posts--sad for another season to be over--I doubt Bachelor Pad will be able to fill that void.
Oh, I have to say that I felt so bad for Roberto dripping buckets of sweat like he was. I was waiting for his suit to rip off of him--I couldn't believe how tight it was! It looked so uncomfortable!
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