I love Easter. I love the pastel colors, the spring weather, but most of all, I love celebrating our Savior's life and Resurrection.
After last year, I promised I wouldn't let the bunny stuff crowd out the real meaning of Easter. But with little kids, it is hard.
Earlier in the week, I had to run an errand at the mall. Here are Luke, Sammie and Buster with the bunny (Ryan was clinging to my legs, scared out of his mind):
Saturday, Sam and I took the kids to the Draper Easter Egg Hunt. Never again. 20 minutes of waiting around like this:
Then 30 seconds of mass hysteria while every egg was grabbed and then 15 minutes of combing the park trying to locate the kids and then back to the car to sit in the parking lot for 20 minutes. We finally got out of the car and let the kids look at the fire engines and play on the playground:
Then we headed back to the car and got out of there. We headed to Kneaders for lunch. It was delicious and a cute lady working there gave us some darling Easter decorations.
Later that afternoon, Sam's parents came over and brought Buster some birthday presents (b-day post later) and some cute Easter cakes for the kids:
Sam's mom with Buster:
Later that night, I filled the kids' Easter buckets. Every year I buy too much but I rationalize that it is all stuff I would have bought them anyway (like flip flops and shorts and books, etc.) They were all thrilled with their loot. (I don't put candy in their buckets because I just feel like Easter is such a candy overload anyway and my kids don't miss it.)
Here are the obligatory Easter pre-church shots. Of course Sammie had a meltdown about something and is crying in all the pictures. Awesome (I'm too lazy to crop these):
Miraculously, Sam agreed to wear the green gingham shirt that matches my boys:
No one said anything this year. He has taken massive abuse in past years for the matching sweater vests. Here is a picture from the good ol' days:
Sammie and I after she got her shiz together (remind me not to squat in any more pictures!)
Sunday evening, we went up to my mom's house for her Easter egg hunt. It is amazing. My dad hid 17 eggs for each kid--they each get their own color. There were also little gifts hidden for the kids.
My mom put on a delicious dinner (I know I have been photographing a lot of food lately--I'm hungry!) You have to remember that my mom did all of this after babysitting my kids for five days while I was in D.C.!
We watched a really great movie about Christ at my mom's house and I think we will do that every year.
I will end with this picture of Sammie. She put on those ears, gathered all of her stuffed animals and demanded that I take the picture. She will be looking for it on my blog!
Now I'm really glad I missed the hunt.....I hate crowds. Your mom's food is amazing...I've been feasting on the leftovers of the stuff she made for my mom. Um, wow! I'm so impressed with the sunday outfits. We can barely get it together to get there.
Nice of Paul to hide the eggs. Color coded? Sweet...new idea!
Your Easter looks fab (except the hunt.. way to many otherpeeps kids!)
You all look amazing in your Easter outfits. Sam is a trooper for doing the matchy matchy!
i always love seeing how you celebrate holidays w/ your family. how do you get away with NO candy in the easter baskets? i wonder if my kids would care. they were eating chocolate by 7am this morning, i'm certain.
i love that sam will match with your boys, too. it's cute!
I am jealous of all your Easter fun--our weekend was a total bust. Oh well--next year!
You all look super cute, and I will not abuse Sam for his matchiness. He looks dapper.
That egg hunt looks like a total nightmare.
Love the baskets, and the plentiful loot!
Looks like fun. We had thought abotu going to the hunt--I'm glad we skipped it.
Cute pictures of everything!!
I agree with the Mostess. Sam looks very dapper in the shirt and the whole fam looks so pulled together. I thought it was a great Easter, too!
We should give credit to Sam (yes, SAM MADE THEM!)for the Lion House rolls - they were the best!
Sammie is such a gorgeous little girl.
I would be sad if I were your sister and did not live close to Linda to partake in her benevolence. What a wonderful Easter egg hunt idea (one color per kid). What was the movie about Christ that you watched?
The photos are all cute and you look very skinny. But my favorite part was when Sammie got her shiz together. You are too funny!
Dad helped with the hunt?!?
You are so smart to not put candy in the baskets.
Buster is still soooo soft and fluffy.
Community egg hunts sound horrible.
Max wouldn't go near the bunny either.
Someone (Sam) made my rolls.
I learned a couple years ago not to squat in photos. I was 8 months pregnant at the time and in a skirt and it was a Christmas card photo shoot.
I can't believe Tyler fessed up to wearing a skirt in that photo shoot.
I am in love with the idea of hiding eggs and assigning colors. GENIUS. Takes away all the drama of who got more, plus it probably makes the hunt last longer. Am so copying this.
I opted for no hunt this year. Now I am glad I did. Your Easter looked like it was a lot of fun. Cute pics, as always, of the kids.
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