Sam and I just returned from a little vacation to Washington D.C. Sam was there for work so I guess it wasn't really a vacation for him. My kids were home so it was a complete vacation for me. There were tulips everywhere and the weather was beautiful.
My only regret with the trip was that I was unable to visit some friends I have in the D.C. area. I didn't have a car and we were not there very long.
The trip mainly consisted of Shopping, Eating, napping, and seeing a few sights here and there. Rather than give you a blow by blow, I will give you the highlights of my shopping and eating (which is what I love most on a vacation) And I know you don't care what monuments we visited.
D.C. has great shopping. Most if it is accessible by riding the metro (the subway) and I actually spent so much time shopping the first two days, I actually hit my shopping wall. I know, my mom would be so disappointed in me. But I did do some serious damage at Macy's and Ann Taylor Loft.
The truly amazing thing for me is that I didn't buy a single thing for any of my kids on this trip. Usually I blow the wad on them and Heaven knows, they all have too many clothes.
I spent a fair amount of time looking for a cute spring/summer dress. I think I tried on everything in Nordstrom, Macy's, Talbots, WHBM, Loft, Ann Taylor and a host of other stores. I honestly just couldn't find anything that was long enough (to the knee) or that I was dying over. By the way, Urban Outfitters has the ugliest clothes on the planet. I don't care who I offend in saying that. It's like they are trying to put ugly stuff out there to be uber cool or something. Agreed?
Anyway, I finally bought this dress at Macy's with a hot pink cardigan:

I actually bought it in the plus size department just for length and then took it to an alterations place back home and had it taken in. The idea came to me in the dressing room and I think it is brilliant. If it works out, I may be doing this more often. It may turn out like crap and I might be sorry.
I also bought myself this new "uni" at Victoria Secret. I spend most of my life in loungewear so I figured it was worth the price. Sammie keeps asking my why it is purple if it says "Love Pink". Good question.
Let's get on to the EATING.
D.C. has some phenomenal restaurants. My favorite of all time is in Arlington, VA. It is called Uncle Julio's Rio Grande. The Fajitas are out of this world, the salsa is perfect, the guacamole is to die get the idea. We actually ate there twice. I made Sam go back with me on our way to the airport for a last meal. It cost us a pretty penny in cab fare but it was so worth it.
Another favorite place to eat is called Old Ebbitt Grill. It is right by the White House and the crab cake sandwich is soooo good. I also recommend the crab and artichoke dip. Can you tell I love to eat? Good food makes the trip. We took this picture right after dinner (White House behind us):
My other favorite place was a pizza place in Chinatown called Matchstick. I had the yummiest pear and walnut salad along with pizza and little cheeseburger sliders (Yeah, I think I gained back all the weight I lost). We will definitely be going back there again. The sliders:

Finally, my friend Brandi recommended this little cupcake shop called Georgetown Cupcake. The shop was on a show on TLC or something. So Sam and I headed there one night and this is what we found:
The line went all the way around the block! It started raining (Not just sprinkles but a torrential downpour and the line didn't budge.) Needless to say, we didn't get a cupcake. It looked good though!

Proof that we did do some sight seeing:
We also saw The Source Code which we both liked and I watched Country Strong on the plane and loved it. I also read The Hunger Games and found the book disturbing.
The whole trip was really relaxing and fun and I am still digging myself out from all the laundry.
You look skinny and fabulous in all the photos - glad you ate & shopped - you didn't gain an ounce as far as I can tell - and you are making all those new clothes look great! Sam looked hot, too!
Wait- you read an entire book on your vacay? I'm so jealous you were in DC. And that mexi food looks so good. But mostly, I LOVE that you only shopped for yourself. I'm trying that next time.
You DO look good! You may have gained all the weight back in food, but you re-lost it hoofing all over DC.
Okay, first with the shopping. I love that dress--super cute! I have been a big fan of the "buy a huge size and tailor it down" on account of the girls. It's genius!
The food--oh, that food. It looks SOOOO good. I want that plate of sliders, and that Mexican food looks killer. I would have skipped the cupcakes because I hate that show--I hate the way the blond one speaks. It's weird.
Glad you had a fun and relaxing getaway with Sam. You two deserve it!
Oh man--I need a kidless vacation! I gained 10 pounds just looking at your food pictures, but I am like you. If you're dieting on vacation, you are not vacationing! You look awesome!
Ben and I were there last week too! We just got back on Friday!!! My post is coming today. I DID hit Georgetown Cupcakes and it was TOTALLY worth it. The best I've ever had.
You should have let us know, we would have hooked you up with a car! You found GT Cupcake, good for you. Next time don't forget to hit Ben's Chilli Bowl.
This post gives me hope because I have my heart set on going on a cruise with Jimmy in the fall, sort of a late anniversary thing, before we MAYBE try for #4. He isn't having it, for some reason, which stinks. But, now I'll be able to think about other options.
Looks like a great trip! I am jealous!!! I love DC. It is such a fun place to visit!
My husband lives in washington d.c. every other week. It is beautiful this time of year.
I live in Alexandria, VA. You have given me lots of new restaurant ideas! I haven't braved GT cupcake yet either, maybe soon. Isn't DC great?!
Looks like a fun vacation. I love going on the business trip with the hubby, they work while you shop. Then you have a nice evening together.
You look so great in all your pictures. Speaking of you looking great, where and when did you get the jacket you have on in the first photo? Love it.
I can't agree more about Urban Outfitter. I was down at Gateway yesterday and walked past Urban Outfitter and it looks like all the clothes were made by grandmas.
Anyway, glad you had a great time.
Lisa, I got the jacket at the Nordstrom sale last summer. It is faux leather and I love it.
Denise, I would never dare to drive a car in D.C. That belongs to someone I like. you clearly don't know what a horrible driver I am...I'm a's in my DNA.
Sorry about the cupcakes. The kids said that d.c.cupcakes was the highlight of their trip. Free always taste better too! I had chicken tacos at the same place. I pounded the chips and salsa. I am glad you guys had a good time!
I had a huge smile on my dial reading this! It is the perfect way to spend time with the hubs... he gets to work and earn and you get to shop and then you both get to eat out without the kidlets. I agree with everyone else you look stunning and very happy.
I also love love love your new dress.
PS your hair is super long and gorgeous in the pics.
This looks like a great kid-free getaway for you guys. Your love of shopping cracks me up.
I am glad you got good weather! It was fun reading about your trip to my neck of the woods. We have gone to Rio Grande religiously since I was a kid (it is actually the only acceptable Mexican food in the entire DC metro area, so we are lucky it is delicious). I used to work right next to the Old Ebbit and now my husband does, so he eats there pretty much every week. Also, what is the deal with the high end cupcake craze here? Is this just a DC thing? Georgetown Cupcake gets all the attention, but DC Bakeshop is better. For your next trip.
I think I would enjoy Garfield the movie if I could sit in peace for a few hours.
btw, you look really skinny so you could afford to enjoy some good food on your vacation. otherwise, what is the point of a vacation or really of truly enjoying life. I know this goes against the grain of the current focus on healthy eating but I say all things in moderation. A few meals out and fun desserts are important for the soul!
You totally vacation like I do. And can I just say, that these past weeks in AZ and UT, I did some major retail therapy. And ate any dang thing I wanted. So it's not just limited to vacations; but, those are the best parts about a vacay.
Glad you had fun!
P.S.~ Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I really appreciate it (and your prayers)!
brookie, thanks for the tip! we are heading to DC in 3 weeks and I cant wait to try Rio Grande...sad, I didn't even know it was there and i spent 15 years in VA! it will be my frist trip back to my "homeland" since before freshamn year at BYU, can't wait to show braden my roots!
you look great as always!
The Sliders and matchstick fries look AWESOME!
I think the reference to LOVE PINK is the line of lotion and perfume called Love Pink. I had some of the lotion and loved the smell!
Hi Brooke! Thank you so much for letting me know about Uncle Julio's. It sounds perfect, and it's really close to our friend's place. I'm glad to hear Old Ebbitt Grill is still there--we used to go there as young Washingtonians a million years ago.
I love your blog. I'm always happy to see how other mothers with lots of kids are handling things. Humor seems to be key!
I'm so glad you made it to Uncle Julio's Rio Grande. That is my favorite place and the fajitas are the best ever. Georgetown cupcake is our second favorite but I would have never waited in that line.
Fun trip!
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