At my last gourmet dinner night, my friends actually asked me how I got my hair wavy. (That is like people asking me for cooking advice or fashion tips!) Anyway, I told them I would do a how-to post on my blog. My blogging friend Christie does a how-to series on her blog called How-To Tuesday and I'm joining today.
Step 1. Put whatever product you can find into damp hair. Today I used some dry shampoo, mouse and my kids leave-in swim conditioner. Just dirty up your hair a bit.
Step 2. Blow dry your hair. It doesn't have to be totally straight. In fact, this is my favorite hair style for when you get out of the shower and have to lie down on your bed for just a moment and wake up an hour later with your hair completely jacked.
Step 3. Heat up your hot rollers. Yes, hot rollers are totally 80s. I don't care. I saw Gretchen using them on the Real Housewives of the OC and she has good hair. If you don't have hot rollers, get yourself down to Ulta and buy some with a coupon. They are about 20 bucks.
Step 4. Wrap your hair around the roller from the root first. Don't start at the bottom and roll up like you used to do. Put the clip over the hair. Work all the way around your head. This step takes about five minutes.
Step 5. Put your make-up on or go make your kids lunch while the rollers are working their magic. Yes, I said lunch. I never get ready before noon. (Gotta hit the gym in the morning!)
Step 6. Unroll the rollers, hair spray the bejeebies out of it, toss it around and you're on your way!
Special thanks to my seven year old for taking the pictures. I'm too lazy to crop them. I told him I needed him to come in the bathroom and take some pictures of me and he looked really scared until I told him they were going to be pictures of my hair.
You look cute. Unfortunately, this wouldn't work for me. AT ALL! But it's always fun to see what people with normal hair do.
thanks for the tip--I'm always trying to figure out beachy waves. I do have hot rollers too.
I've been thinking about buying hot rollers. I'm going to try it. Thanks!
I am going to try it today.
Also, there is nothing better than "just resting a bit" in your bed after a shower.
Very cute! My hair is too short for this but I'm so tempted to try rollers. Thanks!
I went to try it and remembered I have short hair.
So nice! Way better than my daily wash and go. I think I have you beat in the "lazy girl" department when it comes to hair. But these are some great tips!
I am so trying this. A nap after a shower AND gorgeous hair? Count me in. Thanks for playing.
P.S. You are the SOLE cool kid here, sista.
Thanks for posting this. I never thouyght about starting at the roots. Makes sense. Thanks!
I love that Luke took the pictures. I guess he has forgiven you for April Fools Day!
Great tip! I definitely want to try this.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I can't style my hair to save my life--other than to straighten it. I will report back to you. Because you may have to come to my house to help.
I just made myself sound like a creepy creeper.
Most blog tutorials are boring and lameski--but I can get behind this. Remember how I even commented on your wavy hair on that one post? Your hair looks amazing with some wave!
Gretchen has the best hair out of all the housewives, though I suspect there's a Bump-It hiding in there. Right??
As I read Ashley's comment, I thought "She can't pull off wavy--her hair is too short." Glad she figured that one out herself. That would have been an awkward conversation.
This post makes me wish I had hair :(
I am LAUGHING SO HARD at your last sentence!!!! You have a good son. :) Cute hair!
I didn't realize your hair was so long. . .I like the waves. You get the "little rest after the shower" from me. (we won't call it a full-on "nap.") I used to look at the unmade bed and say to myself, "should I make it or get into it?" The little "rest" always won!
This is hair advice gold. Can you send me some hot rollers? Thanks.
Also you are Hawt and you should be on the Real Housewives of Utah.
PS Luke has better photog skillz than me :-(
Oh my goodness...I thought I was the only one who did the "just resting a little bit" thing after the shower. I actually get up 1/2 hour early so I can "rest" a little before I get ready for work! Mike thinks I'm crazy, but I've just gotta do it! p.s.-you look darling with your hair done any way!
So cute. I am buying them for sure. Thanks for the hot tip.
So funny. I am glad that I am not the only one who's bed calls to them after a shower! Although these days I just skip the shower part and go back to bed! Oh and thank for the tip!
Thanks for the "how-to" with pictures! I'm sure you're sick of me asking you how you do your hair every time I see you. I just didn't get it. I finally understand now that I see the pictures (tell Luke he did a great job-so funny he was nervous to take pictures in the bathroom). I will be going to Ulta tonight before dinner!
I was trying to get my 20 yr old sister in law to interrogate her (also 20 yr old) friend on how she achieves her beachy waves so you have saved my a whole lot of nonsense (there was no way my sister in law was up to the high standards I demanded). My fatal flaw has been to try this from the bottom to the roots rather than the other way around. It is possible you have changed my life.
Wait, what size rollers? Thanks!
Hi Alexandra,
The rollers are an inch and a half across. I can't go bigger or my hair doesn't hold the curl.
I feel like I need to come clean and say if you want really cute beachy waves, you need to use a large barrel curling iron. When I have time, I do it that way and it looks much better. This method is just for lazy days... When I use the curling iron, I wrap my hair around the barrel from the root first as well. See my hair in the leapin leaners post to see my hair the good way.
Love that you shared this :) When did your hair get sooo long?!! By the way, I love that Enjoy Volumizing Mousse--couldn't live without it.
Stalking...but...I have short hair so can't do this. HOWEVER, just wanted to say that I still have the electric curlers I had as a sophomore, circa 1975! The $14.95,(OMG so expensive then!) set of curlers have certainly paid for themselves over and over! Sad thing is I have moved over 9 times and have had short hair for 25 years and I refuse to get rid of them. And I still have my prom dress. Perhaps someone could do a tutorial on being brave enough to throw away treasured 'vintage' items!
Thanks for the extra instruction! I am awaiting my rollers now!
I don't think I own hot rollers anymore.
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