Then you might be disturbed to see Gap's new arrivals on their website:
Super light denim:

Stirrup leggings:

pleated chinos:


I don't know about you, but the '80s and '90s were such a fashion disaster for me that I can't even dream of pulling off any of these looks. I actually wore overalls at BYU. They were probably this exact pair:

Heaven help me.
Sometimes you wonder what the "designers" are thinking when they pull this stuff out of the past. Did the high-waist pants really take off so well last year so they figured why not more? You can't bring trends back that people cringe at when they see pictures of themselves wearing it!
I lost all hope in (adult)Gap years ago for reasons like this.
Its too soon !!! There is no way I want to be wearing 80's and 90's fashion. It was ugly then and its super ugly now. Not to mention that I spent most of my maternity / baby years in this fashion ... hideous.
Great Post.
If I could have my body back from the 80s, I'd wear those nasty clothes in a heartbeat. But alas, I can't and I'd rather die than be caught in a pair of acid washed anything. What are these people thinking???
I saw a woman wearing stirrup leggings the other day and gasped to my husband, "are those back?!"
i'm almost 32 so i totally remember all these things.
You're so funny!! hate me if you must but i loved my overalls. :)
It's too soon for 80's and 90's fashions to be coming back, the scars are too fresh. Seriously, why do the designers think this is okay? It's like they're playing a joke on us. I can't take it, I really can't.
Heaven help "All of Us" if that is what we have to look forward to at the mall!!!
Fug to the fuggity max!!!! These "fashions" totally gag me with a spoon.
Can't wait for their oversized 90's grunge line.
I wore overalls in college and cringe whenever I think of it. I thought they were so cute that I'd wear them on dates with guys I wanted to look good for.
I've been wondering if stirrup pants were going to make a comeback.
I forgot to say that pleated chinos are awful.
I still love overalls.
Not only are those light denim jeans, they are also pegged at the bottom! And if I saw someone wearing pleated chinos that hit at their ankles with high-heeled sandals...I would mock them. Who wears this stuff? Probably teenagers that weren't forced to wear it in the 80s.
I'm a friend of your sister - and I read your blog ALL the time. I love it so much. You crack me up. This post is too much - I just can't help but comment. I can NOT believe what is coming back in style. It kills me. Overalls are not good on anyone. I think it's SO funny how the 80's have made such a strong comeback so soon. It wasn't good then, it ain't workin' now! Oh my.
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