My parents recently built a beautiful new home, sold their old home, and have slowly been moving everything over to the new house. On Sunday, they went to the old house for the last time to do a few things, lock up and walk away forever.
My mom told me that she and my dad got emotional as they left. As my mom was telling me and my sister this, she started to cry again. I couldn't help myself--I started laughing. I couldn't believe she was getting so emotional about a house--one that she was leaving for something bigger and better. I told her I felt nothing for the house. I said "Home is where your family is and this is your home now." I told them I didn't care about the old house and I really thought I didn't.
Then last night I dreamt about the old house. I promise I am not making this up. I dreamt about playing board games in the family room, I dreamt about our playhouse in the backyard and the hours we would play back there every summer, I dreamt about my bedroom, and our living room at Christmas with the tree. I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. All I could think about was the old house and how it held all of my memories.

I love that house. It may not look like a lot, but it was home to me for most of my life. It was a happy place. Friends were always welcome and we always had a lot of fun. We moved in when I was five and I left home at eighteen to go to college. That home is my childhood--and what a great childhood I had. I will miss it.
Homes are some of our first and most vivid memories. I can detail every place I ever lived, and we probably had 5 different houses over the years growing up.
Glad your parents are 227'n it and moving on up. Hopefully a cute and appreciative family will move in and make some fun new memories in your cute little abode.
That's the best part. My brother's friend from high school and his fiancee bought the house. They are really cute and will take good care of it!
Mom's gonna eat this post up.
It's true though.
I'm so going though the same thing right now (although the house isn't on the market yet). I'm so glad you know who's moving in. That's kinda what I'm hoping for too- someone I know who will love it and let me knock on the door (which i doubt I ever will, but still).
cute post.
and I'm behind on the bachelorette so I can't offer much this week.
I will always remember that house with the big boat parked in front!
At first I thought you were just a cold hearted person. Glad to see you went soft!!!
They are so excited to live there. I think it wasn't a coincidence how everything worked out. I hope they bring home lots of babies!
Brooke~I am so glad that you redeemed yourself, and finally realized that you loved the house and will miss it~I was getting worried~I cried in the grocery store when we left Virginia because I loved everything there so much...I also cried when we left Puerto Rico, my first two babies were born there...it is true, home is where your family is, but along the way, we get the chance to make wonderful memories because of where we lived~hope you never lose those great memories, but do enjoy making new ones!! :)
I cried when my parents moved out of the house that I grew up in. I think you will always remember all of the fun memories. It was a large chunck of your life. Sometimes I even wish I could go back to the old house for Sunday dinner and Christmas even though their new house is way nicer. I can't wait to see your parents new house. I am sure it is amazing.
Mt parents moved from the house I grew up in two years ago and it was so sad- I cried - but at the same time, I agree with you - home IS where your family is and now the new house is my "home" in a way - if that makes any sense. I think about our old home often and am glad I have all those fun memories.
Brooke, can't believe your parents have finished their new house and moved in. How delightful and heartbreaking all at once! I have a few fond memories there too, mostly involving lots of beautiful food so I know those were good times :) Tell Linda and Paul best wishes from me, and we can't wait to see their new home!
I'm almost tearing up just reading about it. I love to drive past my old house when I go to MD, so many memories of playing with my sisters there...sigh. Apologize for laughing at you mother immediately!
AWWWW.....I love that house. However, I've been driving Emi up to a swim class up at Pepperwood everyday and am pretty sure I know which one is the new house (were you there today? I saw your van). It's really pretty. I'm dying to see it....I would've stopped by, but like your mom really needs my wet kids sloshing through it!
I can see be emotional about leaving a house with so much history. My family moved so many times I've never had just one "home" go back to, so I envy those who do.
When we were in college, we lived in a trailer park in, you got it, a double wide. We lived there all through school and brought two babies home to that house. When we graduated and built our new house I was super excited to move into my newer, bigger, and better house, but totally cried when we left that dumpy place. That's when I realized it's not the house you'll miss... it's the memories. As cheesy as that sounds, I think the thing that makes us weepy when we leave an old house behind is just that we're leaving a piece of our past behind us and the memories we created there. Trust me, I cried while walking out of an old, double wide trailer, so I can totally understand where you (and your mom) are coming from. :)
might i add my memory of that "FUN" house: playing the track and field nintendo floor pad thingy with our butts!
i totally understand your mom's mixed feelings, but then again i felt that way when we sold my rodeo and braden's honda....linda, I'm so excited about the new house! who knows, maybe one day i'll surprise visit and hopefully you'll remember who i am!
When my parents left my old house (just last year) I did not even think about crying. I am sure that my mom did though. I am so happy for your parents that everything went so smoothly!
o.k. I don't know why my name is changed.... @!#% :)
It's all true.
Houses mean a lot, don't they? My parents moved out of the house I grew up in 8 years ago. I've been in the area MANY times since then, but can't bring myself to drive past it.
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