I was so relieved to see the weatherman go. He was awkward right up until he got in the cab. I love how he told Ali that she never really got to know him--Like if she had--they would be soul mates!) I can't help but wonder what this is going to do to his meteorology career. I hope no one in Houston was watching the show because he will have no cred when he gets home. I couldn't believe he busted out the guitar in a last ditch effort to win over Ali. I loved how Kirk said "What we need is one more guy in the house to play the guitar...there's just not enough."
Wrestler is a total hypocrite calling out Kasey about lying. 'nuf said about that.
I still like Chris from Cape Cod. He is so cute about his mother (and the rainbows!) But there is just something slightly off about him. I like him, I do--but what is it? I'm so picky. This reminds me of dating where I knew in the first 10 minutes of a date that I didn't like a guy but I couldn't say why.

Roberto's got it going on. The guy was a genius to sing to Ali instead of the producer. I loved watching the guys audition for Lion King--how good was Jesse! But what about those bike shorts and tees? No guy should ever be caught dead in bike shorts unless he is on a bike.
I can't figure out Kirk. Sometimes I think he is super nerdy and sometimes I think he's cute. He certainly has Ali's number and she adores him. What's his big secret? I'm guessing he's got a kid at home since we haven't seen that yet this season.

Were you all dying when Ali was making out with Kirk (and Frank and Chris) when she had a nasty head cold. All I could think was GERMS! Next week, all of those guys are going to be sick. So nasty.
Speaking of Frank. He has been in the background lately. But he is still in it. My prediction is that he will be one of the final three. I think the final two will be Kirk and Roberto.
I was disappointed Ali let Jesse go. I know I said he was dumb and he is. But he is certainly easy on the eyes and I'd rather look at him than this guy that never speaks and isn't cute:

Seriously--biggest mystery of the show--why IS he still here?
Off to Iceland!
We figured out why Kasey speaks so weird. He doesn't life his toungue from the bottom of his mouth. Try it and you'll sound just like him, it's nuts. I bet the poor guy has had decades of speech therapy, i honestly thought he had a hearing problem at first. Can't wait to see Ali's reaction about the tatoo... Thank goodness for reality TV to keep me sane this summer!
brooke, what would we do without you?! i can't sleep and i am beyond happy you already posted about this. honestly i was rolling my eyes so much at kasey, i almost fell off the treadmill. it was awesome that she didn't say 'thanks' or act like it was cute. that was pretty rad. he better show her the tat sooner than later; he is so beyond. i loved the guys' reaction to it; and the eleven diamonds on the shield!? seriously!?
okay i am with you on that dude who never speaks. what's with him?! he never gets interviewed or any time with ali. what are we missing here? and why does ty and craig keep getting roses? and don't you think frank is a little outta his mind about ali. i mean, you're on the bachelorette, people.
thank goodness weatherman is gone. oh they made him look so bad; i loved the final scene of him scratching out his eyeballs, like what did i do wrong?! such great editors they've got over there.
thanks for letting me rant. and yeah, what does kirk have up his sleeve?! (hopefully not a shield and heart tat.)
LOL @ Alyse's comment! I thought he had a hearing problem, too. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard. He is crazy. I can't believe she kept him over Jesse.
Roberto in the end for sure.
There's no spark with Chris from Cape Cod ... even though the stories about his mom and rainbows are sweet, there's just no connection beyond that, I think.
Great Bachelorette post as usual, Brooke!
These losers belong in a kite flying field in the Bay Area, ya feeling me?
I just found your blog, and it cracks me up! Our current posts are both about the Bachelorette, and it looks like we share very similar opinions. Glad to have found another person who loves to hate the show as much as I do.
As soon as I saw the tattoo, I said to myself, "I wonder what Brooke is going to say about that." He is WAY too intense. I've been calling the weatherman Frodo, and I'm glad he's gone. He seems to have a healthy self-esteem, though, so I'm sure he'll survive.
I think the not-so-cute guy must be the producer's nephew or something. Nepotism rules! I love that you love this show!
So I finally watched it last night and I was pleasantly surprised how up to date I felt thanks to your posts. I think Kirk is totally creepy and I can't believe you find him cute sometimes. Kasey too. I knew during the episode that the title of this post would be about gaurding and protecting the heart. I liked Cape Cod Chris, Roberto, Frank, Silent Unknown Guy, Rated R, and the Weatherman. Sue me--this was my first viewing!
My favorite line of the night was when Jesse was leaving and said "I can't wait to see my dogs."
Love your overview of the show.
The guy who never speaks is Chris N. I focused on that last night when she gave him a rose....I wonder why he is never edited in for saying anything. She must have some contact with him to keep him there.
I can't wait until she sees the rose!
I always wonder if being without TV, books, etc. makes all (or most) of these people loose sense of reality as to how the person sitting across from you is really reacting to your "singing" etc. Weatherman saying that after his singing he felt that he for sure would get a rose?????
PS. What I meant was I can't wait until she sees the shield and rose!
OK...I have lost it...for misspelling lose. I am tired! I'll now stop. :)
The thought of these guys singing to her embarrasses me greatly...that's one of the many reasons I can't actually watch this show.
So glad I came across your blog! It's hilarious.. and all so true. I read an article about on the TV Guide website with Chris Harrison, who said that Chris N and Ali DO actually have a connection, however all the other guys are so nuts/cheese balls that the editors put them in over Chris. I would take that as.. Ali sees something in Chris N but he's probably normal (unlike the others guys) so he's never on tv! Can't wait to see Kirks big secret...
I tried to hard to watch this last night, but I just couldn't. It's too painful. I feel embarrassed for everyone there and I just can't do it. I'll have to live vicariously through you.
Ooh, Weatherman's from Houston? I'll have to keep an ear out for local public mockery.
And Mostess's comment is the best of the bunch now that I've read Ashley's post!
I was REAALLLLY hoping I'd like the weatherman.. mostly because I just watched groundhog day and was feeling crushy towards bill murray. I noticed the weatherman even did that thing where he blows the wind like bill murray did in groundhog day. but wow, it was so awkward with him up until the very end when he said, "I don't feel like you really got to know me"
Ali has class though and I love how careful and kind she is towards the guys feelings, even when imo they are being a little ridiculous.
It makes me wonder if she was made fun of or emotionally sensitive a lot as a kid. I could see her as a fat insecure kid who had to deal with that but later blossomed.
awesome blog, do you have twitter or facebook? i will bookmark this page thanks. lina holzbauer
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