First, my dad. I was at Costco yesterday (Yes--I am going to start with a story about me because it's my blog and even Father's Day is all about me.) It was a zoo. I was there with the lunch crowd--not people eating lunch in the food court, people eating lunch from the sample tables. I had to fight grown men for a piece of tortellini (for Ryan, not me). Costco was as crazy yesterday as most grocery stores are on Christmas Eve day. It made me think of my dad and I laughed to myself.
You see, for as long as I can remember, every Christmas Eve day, my dad had a tradition. He would head over to Smith's (our local grocery store) just to get in the way. He would get two carts and find the most crowded aisles and just work his way down them. He would spend about an hour and then come home with nothing. He lived for it. He even took me with him a couple times and showed me the ropes. I don't know why but this story is just so my dad. And it is one of the reasons I love him. He is funny and he knows how to have a good time.
My dad worked three jobs when I was growing up (including doing the national guard on weekends) so that my siblings and I could take piano lessons, dance, go on vacations, shop for new school clothes and do all the stuff that our family loved to do. I never heard him complain once. My dad has always been extremely generous with us while he drove the crappiest cars (and still does--hello '92 Toyota Corolla!) He also gives great advice and I'm grateful he's my dad.
My father-in-law, who we call Pops, is also amazing. He has spent so much time over the last 9 years at our house finishing our basement, painting rooms, laying hardwood floors, installing a dishwasher and disposal, etc. I'm sure he loves to hear me say "Pops, I've got another project for ya!" He's got two bad knees and yet, he gets up and down, up and down and helps Sam with everything around our house. He drives a white van that we call the "flying white sausage." I've sent him on many, many errands to pick up everything from rugs to molding for me in the van. He rarely comes to my home without cookies for the kids and I really appreciate him.
Finally, Sam. Sam is a great dad. He makes up for my mediocre mothering. Sam rarely loses his temper, he loves to spend time with the kids and makes them a real breakfast (eggs, pancakes, brats, etc) almost every morning. He loves to wrestle with the kids or take them camping and to movies. He is also the kind of man I want my sons to grow up to be. He works really hard so that I can stay home. Sam has a really big heart and is constantly doing things quietly to help others. I love that about him. He makes me laugh almost every day and I love him.
Happy Father's Day you three!
I'm dying laughing about your dad. That is so him. And I will never forget (when I was a little girl) drives through San Diego in the "Ram Car".....scary!
You do have 3 good men in your life. You are a lucky lady indeed!
I love the story about your dad trying to bug the last minute shoppers. Hey--you wait until the last minute, that's what you get!
Sam is a good man. I could tell by his smiling mug as he watched the Dapper Dans that he's the kind of guy you want around making brats for your demanding kids.
I've heard about your Dad before, but nothing like that! All of those poor last minute Christmas shoppers. I would suggest that he head over to the department stores because that is where the idiots are that wait until the last minute to buy their wives a gift.
I'm impressed that Sam makes a real breakfast for the kids. We get irritated if they ask for a frozen waffle!
I'm glad that you get to live near all of the dads in your life.
I loved this. Especially the story about your dad and Smiths. Classic.
You are lucky to be surrounded with such good men! What a great legacy for your children! Just remember not to sell yourself short. There is not a mom who is more about her children than you! You learned from the best and deserve the man you married. I agree with your other post... laughter is the best! I think that was a huge plus for Stan. But ... Sam would not make you laugh unless you had laughter in your heart. You go a million miles an hour and say it is all about Me Me Me but the fruits of your labor prove otherwise. You are awsome! I also have to wonder... what are brats for breakfast?
Sometimes Sam is funny!
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