People keep asking me what it's like now that I have four kids. I think they expect me to say it's crazy. And it is. But the reason life is hard right now has nothing to do with the newborn or the fact that I have four kids. It is the fact that I have a two-year-old and a newborn. Sammie and Luke are so easy. They can both feed and bathe themselves and basically entertain each other all day.
Ryan is a whole other story. That kid is in my grill at 7:00 in the morning demanding brats and eggs for breakfast. (I tell him no everyday.) It wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that I've been up all night and usually am just getting back to bed from the 6:00 a.m. feeding. He demands to go "bye bye mama's car" all day or begs to go to Costco. He loves Costco. He still wants to be held a lot and he cries a lot and he follows me around a lot. He's hard.
On the other hand, I think he is the cutest little boy on the planet. He says the most loving, sweet things to me and loves to kiss me over and over on the lips. He says "bye bye mama" in the sweetest voice every time I leave and is genuinely thrilled to see me every time I return. He knows how to make me laugh--you should see him dance.
At least Ryan loves Buster. Notice the Oreos on Ryan's mouth.
But as much as I love him, he is just hard. I've had some other unrelated issues adding stress to my life as well AND to top it off, Sam is out of town. I have no patience--sleep deprivation will do that to you. I'm ticked off for half my day. I'm completely irked when one of my kids will have the audacity to ask for lunch and I'm driving around swearing at all the idiots on the road--you get the picture--it's like permanent pms. I just want to be rescued from my life--hit the belly release button on my parachute and do a big strong arch.
But the truth is no one can save me. Others have it so much worse than I do. I have a newborn...and a two year old...and no patience and I chose this. I wanted these boys to be two years apart because down the road, I'm going to be sitting on the couch reading people magazine while they entertain each other. In the meantime, I just need to get through it. Sam gets to hear all this when he gets back from his trip--Happy Father's Day indeed!
Been there, done that! (And I was selling my home, buying a home, packing, and moving--and I had house guests) But as they say, "this too shall pass" and then it passes and you realize how amazing you are!
Oh girl, I am so glad when you say things I am thinking. I think the most challenging part for me is I refuse help because of the "I chose this" complex. I feel like people, well-intentioned or not, will judge me and our family...and my lack of patience and "perfect mommyhood" if I allow them in to help. Scott is leaving out of town within weeks of this baby's due date and there's no way around it, I'm going to have to let someone come help...or I might die...or have a nervous breakdown. Caden won't EVEN be TWO! A mere nineteen months, so you just KNOW I will be in the same boat. CALL ME! Let's just put the kids in baby jail and cry on the phone! LOL! Better yet, you fly here, help me move, we'll see if maybe Caden and Ryan can entertain each other! Two sleep deprived moms must be better than one?
I could have written this post except that I have a 13 month old and a two year old. (Sorry to tell ya that I'm still up several times a night.) It is WAY better than it was at first, though. And I have high hopes that it will get easier eventually. Unfortunately, my little one can crawl at lightening speed for the street and into the pool.... Be patient, time does fly. And, that little voice that can't pronounce the letter l is pretty darling, huh? (I will SO miss the excitement when I return from somewhere. It's nice to know someone misses me.)
Ha!ha! Kim, I'm so sorry!!! Brooke, maybe you should borrow Kim's puppies for a few days. Then when you gave them back, life would be easier :) It's all perspective right? Nonetheless, I'm crazy too. We can form a club!
Everyone told me the third child was so easy, because they just had to be. SOoOo not true. Quinn has been my most difficult baby and toddler by far. Good luck. The cute factor goes a loooonnnnggg way. Wow...where is Sam?
"That kid is in my grill at 7:00 in the morning"
"I'm completely irked when one of my kids will have the audacity to ask for lunch and I'm driving around swearing at all the idiots on the road"
I feel the pain of this post and know how bitter sweet all of it is. It seems like that's how motherhood always is...a bit painful, smothering, yet surrounded by cuteness.
I think it's good to keep it real like this rather than sugar coating it.
Good luck...I know how it feels to feel so stressed out/tired that you feel like a be-otch all day long.
Let me tell you though, my little guy is 11 weeks old and life is slowly getting WAY better. I think back on those early few weeks and getting up three times a night, etc. and just want to cry. I KNOW you already know this because you have other kids, but it will get better...if you can make it until then! :)
Love you! Love that you are so honest. Of course you'll make it through this, and your children will all turn out to be wonderful contributors to society, but it's good to have this documented too...then Sammie and the daughter-in-laws won't feel so bad when they have days/weeks/months(!) like this too! :-) Hang in there!
I love two year olds! Stan told me we couldn't have two year olds forever. Boy am I glad someone was thinking!
I hope they will get easier for you...
My main thought about your post is that you sure look thin!!!
You are a better woman than I. I'm impressed that your older kids are so easy. I guess mine are, too, but I don't have a two-year-old to compare them to (I couldn't take it). I see that Buster is filling out nicely! He looks squishier than last pictures. Good luck to you. Soon you will be sleeping! Soon! (Just chant that). And with Sam out of town -- I hope he comes back with some major presents for you.
Call me and we can cry together.
cutest little boys ever. i love how he asks for brats for breakfast. that's pretty awesome. you are a cute mama and seem to have it all put together somehow! i love how you love being a mom, it definitely shows.
Brookie, you can make it! I have never been through that before but have been through tough times I never thought I could endure or I never thought would end. And then finally, they end! And I can assure you that you WILL feel normal again. Just hang in there my dear!
At the end of the day, I love that you are honest and funny about your life! Things may be crazy, but they will always be fun with you in the mix. Your kids are lucky!
Dave and I looked after a 3yr and a
2yr old today...I went crazy in the first half hour. Then I gave in to all requests... more swimming, more chippies, more chocolate, more slides. I do not think we will be the baby sitters of choice for this holidays!
I hope this time passes quickly and you get some peace within your day soon. Ex
Brooke, you said exactly what I was thinking. Noa is 2.5 and Luka is 4 weeks and I am just a sleep-deprived mess. Your post made me cry. I honestly came looking at your blog to see if it was just me who feels like this. In total I get 3 to 5 hours of actual sleep. And just like you, it makes me cranky all day. Poor Noa and Daniel! I am so worried that Luka's sleep is only going to get worse. :( Yesterday I did not shower until 7pm ... Hope things are better for you! I'll try to keep you in mind when I'm about to lose it!
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