Surprise! My water broke last night. With friends over. On one of my new barstools. It wasn't pretty but we all got a good laugh until I started to freak out about having a baby born at 34 weeks.
My friends were so cute--they immediately started cleaning my bathrooms even though it was almost 10:00 at night. I called Sam and told him the bad news and he came home right away (he was watching a game with a friend.)
We headed to the hospital and they immediately gave me a steroid shot for his lungs. (Now I really am on 'roids!) I had contractions on and off and then they stopped. My doctor decided not to induce me yet so I can continue to get antibiotics and more steroid shots. At first, I dreaded staying in the hospital for two days before even having my baby (knowing full well he will be in the NICU for awhile after he is born) but they I figured out this place is Club Med.
I'm alone in a nice room, lying in bed, watching movies (Australia was worth watching just to see Hugh Jackman coming out of the water--that man is so ripped.) They brought me chocolate covered strawberries, all sorts of food and treats and here is the kicker--a massage therapist showed up and gave me a free massage.
Now I don't want to have my baby. I just want to stay here forever! Thanks to my awesome mom for swooping in and taking on my kids and house. I basically had NOTHING prepared and no food in the house. Once my water broke, I just wandered the house not sure what to even put in a bag.
On another note, the kitchen is done and I was planning to do my big reveal last night but here I am lying in a hospital bed with no way to upload photos so the reveal will have to wait. I know the coming weeks are going to be hard--when Ryan was in the NICU, it was the worst days of my life. I've just got to sit back now and enjoy my babymoon until Thursday.
Good luck, Brooke! When you're done, let us know which hospital you were at- a full review. I hear the maternity wards are starting to compete with the amenities. I hope your little guy does great!
Club Med sounds great and I am praying for the safe arrival of your sweet baby! Good luck!
Holy Cow! Hope everything goes well. We'll keep you guys in our prayers. Can't wait to meet ANOTHER baby boy!
I'm so sorry! I about died when Linda walked into dance. Please enjoy your time in Club Med. Free massage? Sweet! We'll pray for you and little baby....crazy. You'll do anything to get out of being prego. At least it's not in Disneyland!
Oh my goodness, this was unexpected news! I'm so glad you didn't have to deliver yet and that you're being taken care of. It would be nice if all pregnant women could get some pampering in the last days before delivery. Good luck to you!
wow, I wish that was what my hospital stay was like. I had twins this summer at 34 weeks. They were in the NICU for 10 days and came home at 4.5 pounds. I had steroid shots twice in the pregnancy. I had been on bedrest since 20 weeks for dilating. I know how you feel. Hang in there and enjoy ClubMed. Your baby is going to be okay:)
I hear ya! When I was in the hospital when my water broke with Taylor (way too early as well), was some of the best days of my life. Wait until they load you up in a wheel chair and push you to knitting class. Man, those where the days...oh and I had plenty of little knitted baby hats to hand out at showers for years!
All joking aside, I hope all is well with both Mother and Child. Both my babies were born early and Ben was in the NICU for 11 days..those were the worst times of my life. Heres hoping those steroids kick in soon!!
Oh good luck, take care and soak up all the club med like action you can!
I'm sending you wishful thoughts of baby boys arriving on or near their due dates.
PS I hope they keep the awesome movies coming for you.
Good Luck! Are you at Alta View? My mother-in-law is an ob/gyn there. I could pull some strings and really get you treated right!
Eek! A little scary about your water breaking so early. Thank goodness you're being treated right while you're there.
And for the record, I LOVE AUSTRALIA. Hugh Jackman is God's gift to me. mmmm
I am in need of some serious TLC right now. Your accommodations sound splendid. I am down right jealous of all the pampering. Keep us posted on your progress. (I can't wait to see the the pics of your kitchen)
You must be at IMC. My dad was there for his surgery a few months ago and I kept "accidentally" referring to it as his hotel room... that place is nice! I am glad they are treating you well. If you mom needs any help with the kids give her my number! I mean it!
by the way... that was Carolyn A. :)
oh know! I mean, oh yes? Good luck with everything. I always thought I would have a funny water-breaking story- glad I know someone who does.
Can't wait to see the little guy and your kitchen- enjoy club med!
I wondered why I didn't see you at dance today. I can't believe we were just talking about how early your water breaks last week. How stressful! If you need help with anything I'd be happy to do it.
Oh my gosh...I can't even believe that your water broke. You must have been laughing REAL hard. I SURE hope that everything works out. Prayers and good thoughts are being sent your way.
Also, I cry every time I think about my time in the hospital. I have NEVER been treated better...my nurses were AWESOME and they were so kind...even when they were helping me shower the morning after. Man, dignity is a commodity in Labor and Delivery.
Good luck Brooke! Love you!
The big reveal will be your new baby! And hopefully those "roids" will mean less time in the NICU!
It was fun being there last night when your water broke. I feel extra invested in this delivery now. :) We were laughing when Sam came peeling into the driveway. We were talking on the sidewalk when he came zooming in.
And lucky you, to get a massage while you wait. I love my hospital stays. I'd love them even more with massages!
Good luck Brooke! We're praying for a healthy 7 lb 10 oz baby!
Glad you are having a good hospital stay, complete with a massage. I can't believe your baby is coming on Thursday! I hope all goes well. Sorry you have to endure days in the NICU.
Oh and I'm so glad your water didn't break a week earlier at Disneyland. What would you have done?
WOW....so not expecting this!
Here's to one healthy 34 weeker!
So exciting, but yes, the NICU days are hard. YOU CAN DO IT, besides....what choice do you have? (ha)
Can't wait to see the champ!
k, what hospital is that? i need to go there. maybe i could pretend i was pregnant and that my water broke. how long would it take them to figure out i just need a vacay from my kids? good luck this week! hope it all goes well :)
Brookie, wow! I am sorry you will have to go through NICU again. I pray you and the baby do well and that you get a strong healthy little guy. In the meantime, don't hesitate to fill your time with a little In-N-Out!
I know the NICU is going to totally suck. This too shall pass, and he will be healthy and fine and darling, just like Dino. Take it one day at a time and make sure you are taking care of yourself. And remember you never have to go through this again! Live it up tomorrow before all heck breaks loose. I'm so glad I get to meet him so soon.
ok- I am not dumb. I meant to write "oh no!"
where is my brain.
and is Thursday the longest they can keep the baby in since your water broke? or are they going for longer?
Having never had a child of my own, I probably shouldn't have read this. It got me very nervous and scared for both you and myself! But it's mainly passed now and I am sending your way all the good luck I can get my hands on for the safe and healthy arrival of your new baby!
How wonderful the hospital treats you like a queen! Enjoy that Hugh Jackman...he makes time fly like a dream. :)
Good luck and best wishes!
When I read your post so many thoughts came to mind...
First: oh wow! I hope she is o.k. and the baby is o.k. and the kids and Sam....
Then Ohhhh! That free massage will be how much? You better ask for two!
Then ooooh dang, I want to see the kitchen.
Of course I have to reflect back... I went in the hospital October 1st with the twins, had them October 31. Every day I begged to go home. They let me the last week. I didn't realize having someone clean everyday, the peace and quiet, the total lay and do nothing would be so longed for later. I also learned to watch smutty TV. (Joan Rivers filling in on the Johnny Carson show). I missed and worried about my three kids at home and got home to realize they survived without me. :) Being on bed rest at home was waaaayyy worse than being in the hospital! I hope you do enjoy your stay. Read a good book and think how clean that kitchen will stay without meals having to be made there. You will get out, the Relief Society will bring meals.... I think it was all planned. :)
The baby will be just fine, I'm sure. Just enjoy yourself. Even though I'm not pregnant, I envy your little Club Med. I'm trying to figure out a way to get one for myself right now...hot water bottle under the shirt????
Enjoy your pampering. I hope all goes well!
Wow, this hit home being that I'm due only a few days before you were/are. Crazy! I am totally not ready either, so I can imagine the chaotic wandering around as you searched for toothpaste and socks. Good luck! I'm sure everything will be great. Heck, with massages and chocolate covered strawberries I'd say things are off to a pretty good start. I hope everything goes well for you and that sweet baby!
Good luck with the little guy. Keep us posted on your sweet baby and we'll pray for those little lungs! I can't wait to hear his name and see his picture.
Enjoy your time sleeping -- heaven knows I'm too old for this nonsense of getting up several times a night and no naps. I realize you are more of a woman than I am, but still, take advantage of Club Med!
oh brooke! i can't believe i missed all the "excitement". i wish i could trade places with you ;) i'm praying for a quick stay in the nicu. enjoy club med while you can and keep us all posted!
p.s. the kitchen is to die for! love it!!
I am glad I was there to witness that your water broke. I was shocked. I have never been with anyone whose water broke. I had so much fun hanging out with you. Good luck with the delivery and enjoy the hospital. I love staying there after you deliver so a couple of extra days would be nice. Pray for a 7lb 10oz baby.
I am sorry your water broke so early! I know that 34 weeks is not ideal and will be very stressful for you, but it is so reassuring to know that babies are able to bounce back from far earlier pre-term births these days! I love modern medicine. Your little guy will be perfect. I will keep him (and you) in my prayers! May your delivery be speedy and easy, too!
Brooke, we'll keep you and your cute little guy in our prayers. I am sure everything will be great. Btw, your kitchen is beautiful.:) I'm sending Reil love your way!
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