My Sammie turned 5 this week. I was kind of dreading this birthday for her because I know that with each passing birthday, she is growing up. She has been so much fun this year and I have enjoyed her so much.

A few days ago, we were driving and she pointed out a building that was under construction near our home. She said, "That baby sure went up fast." It totally cracked me up. She talks like an adult, or at least a teenager most of the time. She is also very funny. A few weeks ago, I got lost taking Luke to a birthday party. As I got back in the car to leave, she said, "You think you can get us home?"

Sammie has very expensive taste in food. Her favorite place to eat is Kneaders and she orders the turkey bacon avocado sandwich on focaccia (not a grilled cheese like most kids.) She eats the salmon taco at Cafe Rio and begs me to buy relish trays every time we go to the grocery store.

She is all-girl, which pleases me to no end, since she will be my only girl with three brothers. She loves pink and princesses and baby dolls and glitter and perfume and lip gloss and make-up, etc. She told me the other day that she dreamed that she and I slid down a rainbow and instead of finding a pot of gold, we found a pink and purple striped chest with all girl stuff on the inside like nail polish, high heels and cupcakes,etc.

She loves to dance and sing and knows all the primary songs. She also loves to color and can spend hours each day coloring pictures for me. On each one she writes "To Mom, I love you, Love Sammie." She loves preschool and has already learned to read quite a bit. She loves to go in her room and read books or play with her dollhouse. She is a very easy child and is very sweet to Ryan. However, she constantly bosses Luke around. He takes it because she makes him laugh with her potty humor.

I love her to pieces and often say she is God's gift to my life. She is the splash of pink and glitter in my otherwise bleak world. I love you Sammie!
Those are such cute pictures of her growing up! I feel the same way about my girls--they grow up so fast and although I don't want it to go so quickly, there's so much fun ahead of us too! Happy birthday Sammie!
Sammie is exactly the kind of girl you need with all those boys! She is seriously SO cute!
Happy Birthday cute Sammie! So fun to have a girly girl!
I love that girl!! And she is darling in all those pictures! Tell her happy birthday from us!
Gotta love the Sammie!! There is a reason we call her "Brookie Jr." Those comments are so Brookie at age 4. And I think Sammie looks more and more like Brooke. They are both MY girls, too!! Love both of you!!
She is such a beautiful girl and sounds like such a character.
What a gorgeous set of photos there, mama. You've got a beauty!
She is a spitting image of you at that age. Love that she is so girlie! I totally believe daughters are just a gift. An unstable, emotional gift, but a gift still the same!
Beautiful girl. Happy Birthday!
she is so cute! having a little girl is the best! i love her dream that is too funny and too cute!
Okay, you now have me wishing I had a little girl of my very own. She is so darling ... I think she should marry one of my boys. Can we just plan on that?
I love this, and I love Sammie too. I remember one time, after she quit ballet, I asked her what she was going to do instead. She told me she was going to go to the gym, run errands, go to lunch, and then preschool. It was too funny!!
It pains me to read about a little daughter bc I suspect I will never know that joy. (It also pains me that she can read!) What a wonderful little girl you have. I love that she has a sophisticated little sense of humor! I am glad that her femininity was not overwhelmed by growing up with all those brothers. I love girly girls.
I hope I have the pleasure of a girlie girl in our family but, alas, I fear it will not happen... She is just SO adorable. I love the baby pic and the last one is breathtaking. Did you take it yourself?
Thanks Denise, my friend Jill took it. It is probably my favorite picture of her ever. She doesn't smile in professional photos because she gets too nervous but I still love it!
So sweet. I love her and I don't even know her. What a funny, smart, beautiful little spirit you have there! Thanks so much for sharing her with us! Happy birthday Sammie!
I agree with everyone--this post is painful due to Sammie's cuteness and sassiness and I LOVE the progression of pictures. My favorite is her asking you if you'd be able to get you guys home. Hilarious! I can't imagine the joy of having a daughter like that. If you get hit by a bus, I get Sammie. (And the boys too of course.)
Sammie is adorable and hilarious, and is such a girly-girl. What fun! (Kate still doesn't care about what she's wearing) Happy Birthday! I can't believe she is turning five.
all i have to say is like mother, like daughter! you two are two peas in a pod. funny, smart, beautiful, and a little sassy! ha ha.
She is a doll. It is fun to hear this side of her since she is pretty quiet in Primary. :) Hope she had a fun day!!
It was so fun to run into you and your cute kids tonight. Happy Birthday Sammie! It's fun to see the pictures as she grows up. She is so cute and girlie, gotta love it! Darren likes to joke with Brooklyn that he is sprinkling magic potion on her so she can't get any bigger! Too bad that doesn't work! Age five is a perfect age to stand still!
Oh, Sammie. She has mastered that mix of sass and cuteness that makes her get away with both quite easily.
She is so adorable, and I love her 'sliding down the magical girl rainbow' dream. Only Sammie.
Now go treat that girl to a $20 lunch!
Happy Birthday cute girl!!
Happy Birthday to a very gorgeous little girl.
I love it that she eats real food, has a great sense of humour and is bossy to her bro. You and Sammie are going to very very good friends when she is all grown up!
She is so cute and phototgenic! I love the one of you two together. I need to remind myself to be in more pictures with my kids because I wish i had more with my mom.
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