Sunday, January 10, 2010

Playing Cupid

Sam and I rarely go on dates. We just go out and sometimes we go out with other couples. But last night, we went on a "double date." What made it a date? The other couple was not married and it was a blind date for them. Sam set it up all on his own.

Sam knew the girl, Jessica through work--she is an attorney at another firm and we've known the guy, Brady forever. Brady was Sam's roommate while Sam and I were dating and he would put up with us in all of our mushy, romantic glory. Brady is one of the cutest guys ever and it is a mystery to me why he is still single. Jessica is darling too and we had a great time. I promised them I would embarrass them by doing a post about our date.

We started the evening at Goodwood BBQ (I know--Sam and I have an addiction to the place) and then went bowling! I suggested a movie but Sam insisted that was no way for them to get to know each other. With our luck, it turned out to be Disco Night...which really brought in a classy crowd. I came in with the low score both games but I was less concerned about that than I was with how chubby I looked wielding the ball.

Was it a love connection? Time will tell. I haven't set people up in awhile but I used to do it all the time. Why do I do it when it rarely works? Because I believe in love, and I love the idea of getting people together. Sam and I were set up by one of our good friends--Amy Bagley and we will love her forever. In fact, we told her we would name a child after her--but since we're having another boy--it doesn't look good.

Don't forget to watch Bachelor tomorrow night when they reveal which trampy girl is sleeping with a member of the film crew. I can't wait.


sheryl said...

Brooke, I just caught up on you blog. Still as funny as ever. Love your hair dark! I think the couple look perfect. They better go for a second and third date.

The Mostess said...

I love set-ups, too! I'm probably inappropriate with my matching quests.

Disco bowling is was better than regular bowling. You saw what kind of riff-raff *our* bowling night brought out. Ugh.

Laura B. said...

Good for you. Truly you are a real life Chris Harrison.

leandparkermakes3 said...

They look like a really cute couple! I'm so excited that it's Monday night so I can watch The Bachelor and read your blog!

Jill said...

They look like a cute couple already. It's good of you and Sam to help them out. I have a single sister who has a hard time meeting guys so I'm always trying to think of guys we can set her up with. Sadly, our track record is not very good (wussy guys).

melissa walker said...

Brady looks totally familiar to me--set him up with Heather next if it doesn't work out--although he would have to be okay appearing with her dud guys if it doesn't pan out! :)

Lisa Cannon said...

Love Brady! I can't believe he is still single! He's handsome and funny. I didn't know that he and Sam were roomies. Keep us posted on the potential romance :)

Liz said...

I have set up 2 couples that got's a great feeling.

Sam said...

Setting up these two just made sense, and "they were there for the right reasons." I had a great time reliving the glory days with Brady; hopefully that didn't detract from the evening.

The only thing missing from this date was a periodic table because there was so much chemistry between these two.

Brooke failed to mention the most important fact...I won both games of bowling.

Ashley said...

They look really cute together so I hope they are in love! I always want to set up my single friends but they either (1) have crazy age gaps or (2) live in different states. Remember when Sam set me up with that old mission (?) friend and we all went to Chili's and the friend called me "Old Bird?"

Anonymous said...

He looks young.

Jessica said...

Wow, Brooke... I feel like Brangelina or TomKat with this post!

I think the highlights of the night include riding in Brady's gigantic truck, hearing Sam tell stories about Scorin' Boren, playing air hockey at the arcades, disco mania at the bowling alley (including Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas), beating Sam at bowling, and the tangible romance that was present at the Oyster Bar as Brady and I shared some chocolate decadence.

Brady and I are going to stick with Sheryl's advice and go for Date #2, and so I'm sorry Melissa Walker, Heather is going to have to find someone else to go out with.

Sam said...

Romney, be man enough to leave your name when you comment.

Ashley, if I recall correctly, he called you old bird for a reason...perhaps it was your aged style of conversation.

Anonymous said...

These things don't usually work out.

Ashley said...

Yay, they are going out again! It really IS true love!!! (I'm sure Jessica and Brady love having us all involved in their relationship now.)

Anonymous cracks me up! I'm jealous you have an "Anonymous."

Sam said...

Ashley, the "anonymous" is your non-anonymous classmate Scott Romney. He is trying to sabotage things.

Mandee said...

I think they should co-host a blog together about their dating relationship- a he said/she said. They are a cute couple- and I LOVE the girl that called you a real life Chris Harrison! Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she's a better bowler than he.

Elizabeth said...

Wow you and Sam and like a Public Service Announcement .... so helpful. I love that there will be a 2nd Date... and blind dates rule I met the Mr on one.
Thanks for sharing the particulars of others lives.

Vermont Madsens said...

Sam -
Just wondering if there were any bee stings or door knobs on the date? Got to love Brady - he's one of those very few guys that can pull off telling the same jokes hundreds of times, and have them be hilarious EVERY time.

Em said...

I love that your comments section is just as entertaining as your posts.

You and Ashley really need to post more about your past dating experiences. They are just so intriguing..."old bird"?!?!?! You have confident husbands--I say go for it!

A gold star to you for setting up a friend. Nothing wrong with a fun date, and these two are cute together!

Ashley said...

Come on already where's the bachelor post?!?

brooke said...

Brady and Jessica,

Thanks for being good sports about being featured on the blog--I'm so glad you're going out again! Have fun!

Amanda Green Englund said...

All right, Jessica's friend here (as opposed to anonymous, which was an option but would deeply confuse things at this point)- way to go Brooke. My parents met on a blind date. But what's the motivation to move on from dating when you've got disco night? I imagine the only thing missing from the evening was John Travolta. Good thing this Brady fellow is much better looking.

As the in-law brother of Steve Carrel said in Dan in Real Life, love will find.

Anonymous said...

As Jessica's sister I strongly encourage her dating life to continuously be made public.

Anonymous said...

no pressure