My kids wore their Easter clothes to church today. (Next week is General Conference for my church, and we watch our prophet speak on tv rather than attending meetings) so we won't actually be going to church on Easter.
For some reason this year, I didn't go all out on Easter clothes. Sammie is wearing something she already had and Ryan is wearing an old outfit of Luke's. I did buy Luke a new sweater vest and shirt to coordinate.
If I weren't huge and pregnant right now, I would have loved to have coordinated myself with my kids and bought myself this darling dress with a cardigan:

or this cute dress and a cardigan:

(Both are from Nordstrom.)
In the past, I've put some serious time into Easter outfits, but this year, I just wasn't feeling it.
During Sacrament meeting, we were sitting on the folding chairs in the back (where we always sit) and I thought about how funny it is that families all seem to have their spots. When I was growing up, my family always sat toward the back of the soft seats, on the second or third to last bench on the north side of the chapel. That was our spot. I can still remember where all the other families sat as well.
Now we are totally part of the folding chairs group. I used to wish we weren't--like somehow we would get more out of the meeting sitting up front. But now I've given in to it and just decided it is the best place for little kids who like to sit on the floor and color, etc. Today, I overheard the lady sitting behind me turn to her husband and say "They are so distracting" referring to my family. I ignored it--but seriously lady--go sit up front!--You know what you are getting with the folding chairs crowd!
Brooke-you are so funny! A few weeks ago, when the 2 missionaries spoke, we were 5 minutes later getting to church than we usually are, and we had to sit on the folding chairs. We all made the same comment about how everyone always sits in their "designated seats". It was a little different sitting there as we usually sit right behind the deacons. We are all so weird....! Glad that we weren't the only ones to notice those silly things! Another thought on that too...think about how it is when we go to different wards for blessings, farewells, etc., we all, most likely sit in other people's "designated seats".
And on a personal note..I think you would have been BEAUTIFUL in one of those dresses, with a always look HOT...pregnant or not! (Was that weird for me to call you hot?) Who ya anyway!!
Thanks for making me smile...needed it!! :)
That lady should see MY kids in sacrament. Max was yelling, "Water!" and kept running off. I can't believe she said that. I am mad for you.
I didn't go all out this year either. I think your kids look really cute. I love the colors.
I LOVE that first yellow dress - good find. I might have to check her out.
dang...i was hoping to see sam in yet another matching vest! i still laugh every year b/c of what he said to jack as a baby.
the kids look adorable as always! and i agree with lauri, you would have looked "HOT" in either one of those numbers!
I didn't know what to do about the kids' Easter outfits this year conference-wise. I sort of half unveiled them today--new sweater vests but not the new shorts and sandals. At least your kids look really Easter-y--love Dino's shorts and Sammie's dress.
I can't believe a fellow back-row Joe called you distracting! We currently sit at the edge of the middle section. Wierd, but it's always available.
The Easter outfits look new and are darling. Your kids are always put together. (It makes me tired to think about the work it takes) LOL.
I have to laugh about your "spot" at church. I got in the habbit of sitting right up front by the sacrament table when I had the twins. It was the only place a twin stroller fit. Then I stayed there for the next several years because I drug my kids alone. When Stan "rejoined" us we moved to the back. Personally, I think the kids were better up front where they could see. Either way... I like the Catholic idea... get a baby sitter, go to saturday night mass, then go golfing on Sunday!
I also have to say, I love the top dress and I love the gladiator shoes. (thinking back to someones gladiator post who did not appreciate them) These are great shoes I would love to wear if I were 20 years younger and 50 pounds lighter!
O.K. lets be realistic, 30 years younger and 70 pounds lighter. Dang it!
I haven't bought any Easter clothes for the kids, and didn't even think about it until I saw so many kids wearing their new Easter duds at church today. Luckily my kids aren't expecting anything so they were none the wiser.
We have our spot in the chapel and sit on the left side of the soft seats on the 4 or 5th row. I do think church is a different experience the closer you are to the front, but I also remember how challenging church can be with little kids. But I gotta say, the soft seats are much kinder to my backside!
I think all of us mormon moms are feeling the same way with easter clothes this year since we won't actually go to church ON easter. my kids wore new clothes to church today for simon's blessing and i just figured those were their early easter outfits. maybe it saved us some money right? ;)
Yep--she should know better. All of the loud, annoying, roaming, fussy, cracker-eating, toy-throwers sit in the folding chairs. If you don't like it, high tail it to church and get a regular pew. You get what you get.
We always sat in the 2nd pew from the back on the left side. I don't know the direction, because I'm not from Utah, and we don't do that here.
Cute clothes--all of them, even the imagined ones. Easter at home is so...lame. I want to show off! Of well--next year.
Total Mormon culture- where everyone has their spot, and old people complain about noisy children.
Since our ward has split, and we are now on the 1pm schedule, we've been able to make it early and snag ourselves some nice cushioned seats- middle section towards the back. It was working for us ... until today, when a nice man got up to say the opening prayer, and in the half second right before he began- when the entire congregation is silent- Jack said loudly and clearly- "He's FAT!"
I don't know if we can ever show our faces again.
Mandee: UGH.
Brooke: I forgot--served your salad at the shower yesterday, and everyone wanted the recipe. Thank you so much for that recipe!
That is the right attitude! I would have gotten my feelings hurt, but you are right. And hilarious.
Come to our ward Brooke--no folding chairs in the back! That's what happens out here in the "mission field" We do have our spot though--once we had a whole bunch of visitors and a couple new families that all sat on "our side"l so when I walked in there were no benches open on our whole side and I was stopped in my tracks. I had no idea where to sit! Paul finally pushed me into the middle section. Even other people came up to me afterwards and jokingly commented that we were in the wrong pew!
Brooke -
So funny! A month ago we tried to mix it up and sat on the opposite side than we usually do... it threw everyone on that side off and I think we have now been shunned - maybe that we the reason for my early release from previous calling... hahahaha
Maybe we should get little placards with our names on the designated benches so that when someone new moves in they know to go to the folding chairs!
I'd like you guys to sit in front of us so I can talk to Sam during the meeting for all his witty comments!(but then you would have to move the Merrill's!) haha
we actually get to church really early and choose a different bench every week. i know this throws everyone else off. i spend the next 20 minutes watching everyone scramble. it's really funny. and yes, i know i'm mean. i just hate the assigned seat thing so this is my small way of changing the world!! ha!ha!
At least you got 2 of the 3. Lexie got a new dress and shoes, but same hat and gloves as last year. I didn't even get the boys new ties. They ended up wearing the same one as last year becasue that coordinated best with Lexie's dress.
Though I do have to admit that I was disappointed not to see Sam in a matching sweater vest with the boys!
People are so rude.....enough said.
Love the clothes. Sammie is just gorgeous in anything!
Brooke - I'm a friend of Ashley's from Fremont and I LOVE your blog. I just HAD to comment on this because we've recently moved up north (near Sacramento) and our ward is HUGE and we're always late (regardless of the fact that it starts at 12:30) and we always sit in the overflow in the folding chairs. My husband and I talk about how great it would be to get a spot up on a pew, but we don't want to steal anyone's seats. In our old ward we'd always sit in the center pew - 2 up from the back. It was ours, we loved it. We've gotta some how squeeze ourselves up front to the softer seats - I don't know how much longer I can stand the metal chairs.
Ah the milk of human kindness at church... When Lulu was about 3 a older lady came up to me after Mass and asked if I knew she was facing backwards on the pews giving everyone behind us the rude finger and sticking out her tongue... Now that is distracting!
Opps I forgot to say your kids look so sweet in their outfits and I like the first dress except for the colour... I cant do yellow but YOU would look great in it... Sorry I don't have the brain power to write all my thoughts in one comment!!!
one in a million!
Seriously, why waste your money on Easter clothes when you proably won't even get out of your pj's. My kids wore the same sad outfits to church yesterday that they wear every week and I could care less. (Of course I only have boys and there was one little girl baby with the cutest dress on ever, but I was only obsess with her because I NEVER get to see any cute little girl clothes!)
As for the seats...Since we began going to church in the afternoon we have been unable to get into the soft seats. (I prefer them because I feel like they keep my clan hidden and the rest of the congregation can't see my kids defiling church property.) So, I told Jimmy to "save a row" for us after his meetings, which he did.
When we got to church, he took the two older boys in and I came later with the baby. He and the boys were sharing a pew with three other people and there was no room for us. So, I was a little irritated. After the meeting I found out what happened. It turns out that the family pushed all of his things down to the end of the row and sat there anyway. So, being the kind soul that he is, he decided to make them shove their large behinds together and sat with them. It was a big passive aggressive silent battle. That is how things roll in Michigan.
You are hilarious! You have such a great attitude about pretty much everything.
haha i love it!!
I love your dress choices. They are so cute! I agree with the comment-if you are sitting in the back you know what you are getting.
It is so true that people have their seats. You have seen that we have ours. :) It helps to be in primary--to get us there early enough to get them.
Your kids look so cute. I thought you did a great job coordinating. This year was hard to get into the shopping for the perfect Easter outfit when we aren't going to church on Easter. I love the folding chair crowd comment. I am a folding chair family as well. My kids ask to sit on the soft benches but for some reason we can never get to church early enough. Those people are like 15 minutes early in my ward.
LOL! They look gorgeous. And I was totally feeling it a couple months ago when I made Kya's dress, but now, am not. So the boys are wearing their normal stuff and only Kya is getting the Easter garb. Being really pregnant makes it all so much less interesting...because we just can't get that cute. And I'd really rather spend the money on a nice big soup and sandwich meal. :)
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