I can't believe it has been two years since this little guy came into my life. He has been both my hardest child (hands down!) and my silliest. He has the softest, firmest, sugar cookie dough cheeks and I kiss on him every day. He still likes me to carry him around the house on my hip and screams "go!" if I stop or try to sit down with him. This has dang near killed me.
He pushes me to my limits and then gives me the sweetest, softest kisses and says "bye-bye mama" over and over whenever I have to leave. When I return, he is standing at the door dancing and gives me the biggest hugs, even if I just went out to get the mail.
He is the most demanding child I've ever met and yet his double dimples let him get away with murder. He is all boy and has the cutest swagger to his walk. He loves cars, choo-choos, and dogs. He also loves wearing hats, taking baths, and going to the nursery at my gym. He worships "uke" (translation--Luke) and loves to give Sammie kisses though he still can't say her name.
He loves junk food of every type, especially "ookies" (cookies) We call him "Ry Ry, Dino and pork chop. He is my favorite buddy and he makes me excited for another little boy. I love you Ryan.
Happy Birthday Ryan! We love you too!
Brooke, I hope his day is full or oreos, McDonald's, and dogs : )
He is such a cute little guy! Happy #2!
Happy Birthday, cutie! I owe you more stamps!
He sounds EXACTLY like Quinn. I thought 3rd children were supposed to be easy. Quinn about did me in for good. Still does.
He is a DARLING little boy! I hope he has a great 2nd birthday!
My third was the hardest too. That's why there's almost four years between him and #4. They are adorable though! I love this age :)
Adorable...I love little personalities...
He is so darling! Those dimples would do a number on me too.
I can't believe he is two. I heard his little birthday party was a hit. Wish we could have been there. Happy Birthday!!!
Dino, you are a handsome devil. Unbeknowst to you, I have protected you for the last two years. Your mother wanted to trade you to a pack of gypsies for a twelve pack of Diet Coke and a box of Thin Mints. But we know the best is yet to come.
Happy B-Day!
What a sweetheart. Happy birthday.
He is really a very very cute little boy! I love dimples.
Happy Birthday Ryan. Those dimples ARE going to get him far!
Happy Birthday Ryan!
You sound like you are very very lucky to have Brooke and Sam as parents (and not the gypsies).
Little boys are the greatest beyond two years old I reckon.
This is precious and makes me want to have a boy...almost as much as I want a girl! ;)
I never really believed that Dino was as hard as you claimed he was til I saw him screaming at you to "GO!" (move around the house) after screaming at you to pick him up. But on the flip side he is so incredibly sweet and darling and precious. I have never seen anything cuter than him with that flashlight at his party.
P.S. I think my computer is completely dead. It's so frustrating. I'm on Tyler's now.
Lucky me - I got to be with Dino yesterday and all morning today on his b-day!! Yes, all you said is true - but his "adorableness" more than makes up for his other traits! This morning while I was on the phone with grandpa's nurse, he got into the pantry and pulled out the last sleeve of G.S. Thin Mints. I had to talk and they were keeping him happy, so I let him indulge (sorry, Brooke!) He did share begrudgingly with Sammie, and they polished them off in about 2 minutes! Gotta love fellow cookie monsters! Gotta love Ryan!! Happy Birthday from Grandma Linda!
Sam is SOOOOOOOOOOO funny. Happy Birthday to Ryan!
He IS darling!! What a fun post. I loved to see all of the pictures of him. Even with Jacob, it is amazing to me to go back and see how he has changed.
Happy Birthday Ryan!!
What a cutie, Garrett and I love following your blog and we especially love any posts about your kids! Thanks for your note the other day - I had just called Grandpa the day before and he's just sounding so down - I'm glad you and Linda and Dan are close and can keep visiting him! Wish we lived closer! Kiss your Ryan for me too - you know he's got enough dimples to go around :)
He has the most compelling face. And he loves dogs. I would probably cart his hefty arse around, too.
Happy Birthday pork chop (said like Bobby Brady...pork chops and applesauce!)
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