
But it didn't make it any easier did it?
I knew Jake would end up with Sausage. And I'm not a hater. I don't understand what he sees in her. Personally, she drives me CRAZY. But I do understand that sometimes you can't put into words how you feel about someone. Love is a funny thing and you can't make your heart feel something it won't--I know that's the line from a cheesy love song--but it's true.
The whole thing went down just as I knew it would. Tenley showed up and won over the family. Everyone fell madly in love with her. She's perfect--why wouldn't they? Then of course, Vienna rolls in for her very awkward day with the fam. Somehow, someway, the family ends up giving Jake their blessing on Vienna (I'm still a little confused about where they changed their minds about her) but they apparently do.
On Jake's last date with Tenley, we can all see that he is torn. He knows Tenley is the better choice but he's not as physically attracted to her as he is to Vienna (Don't ask me why!) This is why I love this show. It is so real. He does love her--just not in the same way he loves Sausage.
When Jake sent Tenley home, I actually shed a few tears. She is so honest and good--it was hard to see her get her heart broken again. She is darling and she should be the next bachelorette. But I think the producers didn't pick her for the same reason Jake didn't pick her--she is just too nice and sweet and she is lacking spunk.
I get it. I get that Jake just didn't have the physical attraction to her like he did to Vienna. Tenley was a way better choice for a wife but Jake (like most men) couldn't help himself. And because of that, he went for the bimbo and it won't last.
He tried to tell Tenley on the boat that something was missing, he tried to tell her when he said good-bye and he told her again (in not so many words) on the After the Final Rose and she still looked confused. One thing that always bugs me about this show is how the runner-up always thinks s/he deserves an explanation. They don't. They knew what they were getting when they came on the show. Only one person wins. Someone has to go home. He may have loved you--but he didn't love you AS MUCH as he loved the other person. The end. He liked someone else better. It isn't rocket science. But at the same time, I can imagine how hard it would be to be sent home with your heart broken and how you would still want an explanation.
With that said, Sausage is trashy trashy trashy and I give them 3 months.
Only one thing made me question Jake's common sense more than his decision to pick Vienna. That was his decision to go on Dancing with the Stars! What the? With the likes of Kate Gosselin and Pamela Freakin' Anderson! Now I've heard it all.
What are your thoughts on the finale? Have you made peace with the outcome? Are you happy that Ali is the next Bachelorette? Do you think Jake is a major tool for doing DWTS? and will Jake and Sausage last?
I will never make peace with this decision, because when I called my family tonight with something important to discuss..they screened me straight through to voicemail because they were watching this pile 'o' junk.
Thanks trashtastic TV! This series makes me miss Rock of Love.
Also--The Sausage looks like Hayley Duff. Not good.
Dancing with the stars is way too dumb to watch. It makes perfect sense that a man who appeared on the Bachelor would appear on the dancing show, too, though: he likes national attention, even when he looks like a moron on it. I thought he looked sort of like a moron on the few episodes of the Bachelor I caught.
He and Sauasage will not last. I understand that you have to go with your heart etc, but sometimes your heart is really just your sex drive and that is it. Not that Sausage is unloveable, even if she is not most parents' dream come true for a daughter in law. I can't believe that true love could blossom in the environment of the Bachelor. Maybe the Bachelorette. But the Bachelor premise goes against nature. Men never truly fall for a woman who is already openly desperate.
I need to make an appointment with Dr. Anonymous. I'm feeling naseaus.
Amen,you said it all. I was laughing at how they tried to make us think that by giving back the promise ring he was dumping her too! Oh well, the worst part was them dancing to On the Wings of love. Gag! My husband came in right then and we couldn't stop laughing. It was so embarassing! Ali? not so much. How is she finding time to take off work now, but couldn't for Jake? Set up all the way.. . (now aren't you glad you told me to comment on your blog :)
My only guess with the families change of heart is that he must have pulled one of them aside and told them...this is the one I'm picking!
As a single girl, I have seen this same situation play over again and again. The best long-term potential girls always get tossed aside for the skank. SO, I wasn't surprised, but I thought for sure the sisters-in-law and mom would totally veto Vienna...I'm also confused on how she won them over. It won't last. Jake will fall for his Dancing with the Stars partner.
Dude, Mostess is dead on with the Hayley Duff comparison. Genius!
This is good tv but I have to admit, I didn't love it as much as I've loved other seasons. (i'm still pining for Reid and can only hope that he's on Bachelor Pad).
I'm with you on the DWTS choice. I love that show, but why Jake?? It makes no sense to me how a man who wanted to "find love" would leave for 10 weeks. ugh. now I have to see Vienna and her bad extensions and crazy eyes for another 3 months.
Jake is stupid.
The end.
Real?? Real Staged!!
The most ironic thing about this is how Jake used to cry all the time about "nice guys finishing last."
I agree with you that people should pick whoever they want. Of course it won't last a minute with Vienna, but Tenley shouldn't want to be chosen anyway if Jake could be so much more attracted to someone else.
Overall this season was boring. Jake is boring. I didn't even watch the finale. Roslyn--though completely dumb--probably made the wisest choice in going for someone other than Jake.
Ali's season will be good!
Brooke! My fav YW leader! Its your favorite Shalee! I am so happy I found you and that you have a blog! I can't wait to read more!
I am On the Wings of Barf! I knew it was coming and that helped ease the pain; but I still cried when Tenley was dumped. I can't believe she was smiling while crying- who can do that? Did you notice Vienna must have had professional help with her hair and makeup for the finale and after the final rose? Finally! Alli will be a good watch next season.
I agree with you--you can't explain why people choose who they choose. But I agree with you--won't last.
With Ali, I'm guessing she gave up her job??? I saw an interview with her and she told them that she worked for Yahoo (I think) and they have a policy that you can't take extended time off until after your first year of working there--she hasn't been there a year...so I'm guessing she quit??
I still hate Sausage. Why did she look so different after the final rose. Did she lose weight? I think Tenley was way cuter and a much better dresser. Sausage is WT. I think they will make it work some how. She just has the sex appeal for him. I can't believe Jake is going to be DWTS. Does the guy not have to ever work?
I agree with Ashley. Jake is boring! Worse than that is that he got swooped away by trashy Sausage that prides herself in being independent and opinionated... Yet she really is just insecure and is totally incapable of getting along with people. Jake is dumb.
Is Kate Gosselin going on DWTS... wow you guys are lucky we only get D list celebs on out DWTS .. Kate is mos def a c list...
All that I that comes to mind is: WOW! I keep telling people that it's just a silly t.v. show, but that doesn't make it any easier does it?
Trying to make sense of it all. My theory: he doesn't like either of 'em and knows he's gonnabe dumping whoever he picks anyhow so he goes with the one all American woman hate. That way when he kicks her to the curb he becomes a hero again. If he broke up with sweet Tennels than he'd be the bad guy.
So I wouldn't look for this to last long. 1 minute is too long in this person's opinion, though.
I read all these comments at least once and I'd have to say I think most like Jessica. Jakes a fake! For real.
Sausage and Jake bite. I think i threw up a little in mouth watching it. Ur right, even though we saw it coming, it didn't make it any easier. Ali will be fun!
Thank you for giving all of us a place to vent, and in my case rant, about Bachelor!!! :)
Again, I love ALL the comments. Hayley Duff--that's it! On the Wings of Love--GAG!!! I hated seeing that as part of the title--I was afraid of when that song would pop up. Those were the most awkward, cheesy moments of the show!! The slideshow to that music was just too much for me. I hope Jake got paid enough to have to dance to that song on National TV and fake a smile after the guy sang it. Not sure if I could do it!
Vienna's hair looked sooo much better for the finally and After the Rose. I hope she can afford to have a live-in hairdresser/make-up artist...not sure if Jake would notice. ;) He's whooped. I guess that's the way it should be. As for Tenley,I think my husband would like to have someone smile and nod yes to everything he says but that isn't his reality. Sorry hon! :) Ha! Tenley is a sweet girl and would be easy on the eyes for the next 50 years but I would hope there would be more to a relationship than that. She seemed to be all "fluff." (Or as a friend of mine might describe her...as the "pasta without the sauce"--maybe more like the whip cream without the pie) Vienna is at least real and has an opinion. I kind of give Jake kudos for not picking the "looker" of the bunch. Surely, 99 out of 100 guys would choose Tenley. That wouldn't guarantee that the 1 left would pick Vienna though. I hope the reason Jake picked Vienna is because there is more to her than they portrayed on Bachelor! (If I have to hear Jake describe the heat and passion they have together one more time I'll gag!!) :) That being said, I do believe that Bachelor knew what they were doing to create this "controversy" by slanting the whole show against Vienna with their choice of editing. They knew the outcome before they finished editing it--I think they wanted and needed Vienna to be the controversial choice. Hmmm... As for Alli, so disappointed, but she will add more interest to the show then Tenley though I think Tenley deserves to find love more. Alli was too into the "game" of it and showed too much of her true colors. It also bugs me to hear Bachelor announce Vienna as the "winner" of the show. Strange way to look at love. The biggest joke to me of all this is that Jake and Vienna have decided to date for possibly a couple of years to see how things go before they get married. Ummm, are you kidding? I thought he was looking for a "wife" and he chose Vienna! Not the best idea for Vienna, she needs to strike fast before her voodoo spell wears off! Good luck Jake!! :)
This is definitely one of the trashiest shows out there, yet somehow we are all reeled in. Just like Vienna reeled in Jake.
I don't think I could stand either of them for very long. Tenley's voice bugged, she always sounded on the verge of baby talking to Jake. Vienna is totally immature, but turns out Jake is too.
Bottom line I would hate to be married to someone who barely chose me a few hours before he "proposed" and had previously dated and fallen in love with several other women at the same time! What a messed up show. I would love to take a vow and say I will never watch it again, but I'm not sure I can make that promise ;)
By the way I have loved reading your Bachelor posts...
I think Jake is smallish and insecure and can't handle pretty girls, so he went for the ugly one who worships him. And sometimes, that combo works.
I knew Ali would end up the next Bachelorette. I just hope she has better dresses, and that someone will help her with her hair.
But as for DWTS, so lame that Jake is on there and he won't last because women hate him for dumping Temley- Tenley should be dancing, don't you think?
And I'm voting for Evan L.
p.s. that comment about on the wings of barf was funny!
LOLOL. I will never ever watch this show, but the fact that you call this girl Sausage has me in stitches EVERY time. You crack me up.
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