This is Brooke's sister Ashley here. Brooke called me tonight from her "deathbed" (her word . . . she has the flu) to tell me she is sicker than a dog and even Brad can bring her no joy tonight. She wants her loyal Bachelor readers to know there will be a recap post coming as soon as she can summon the strength. The girl has her priorities. So go enjoy the show if you haven't already and come back soon to discuss. Brooke, do as all a solid and get well soon!
I can vouch that Brooke is ill, or at least pretending to be. I didn't watch the show, but I'll recap it for you.
"It was a rose ceremony unlike any other..." Brad made out with (and possibly more) several women, kicked a couple of crazies to the curb, and seriously regrets his decision to come back on the show. The producers showed the same "teaser" at every commercial break for two hours of some of the women in the midst of a cat fight. Oh, and there was probably some activity that required everyone to be in swimsuits...
The drama is amazing...
Wait--you didn't watch the show? How on earth could you be privy to all of that amazing info?? Its' not like the same crap is repeated over and over and over....
I'm just glad that Ashley posted this, and Brooke wasn't writing in 3rd person. I can't be friends with 3rd-personers.
Sam, you are the best!
Feel better Brooke!
Brooke, feel better!
Sam is right about everything except Brad regretting his decision. I am impressed that he knows the show so well, which means he has watched it at least once...more than I can get SOME men to do!
Oh dear, I hope death passes you by!
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