Did anyone else find Dancing with the Stars completely disturbing tonight? No, it wasn't Samantha Harris' dress--though, that was bad enough. I'm talking about the TWO sibling dances.
First, Lacey Schwimmer and her brother Benjie did a country dance number to "I want to check you for ticks" with Brad Paisely singing live. I love the idea, the costumes, the dance--but I couldn't shake the heeby-jeeby feeling I had about them being BROTHER and SISTER.
Then, out comes Julianne and Derek Hough dancing to "Great Balls of Fire." They are gyrating and blowing air kisses at each other. I couldn't take it. The absolute worst was when Julianne carried Derek (yes, you read that right!) on her shoulders across the floor. I struggle with Derek anyway because his hips move just a little too well, if you know what I mean. Why, oh why can't they pair these people up with non family?

Maybe my discomfort stems from when my little sister Ashley was little Red Riding Hood in a ballet production and my big brother Rex was the Big Bad Wolf. Let's get one thing straight. Rex has no dancing ability, none. He basically wore a big costume and stomped across the stage over and over as she danced around him. But it still scarred me.
For the love, DWTS producers--no more incestuous dancing. Oh, and bring back that guy that danced with Marie Osmond. He looks just like my husband. I'm not kidding!
I was reading along this post with a smile until the low blow aimed at me and Rex. The difference is, the wolf and LRR are mortal enemies--which actually fit my and Rex's relationship at the time. (Hey Bro!) And I was what, ten years old? Anyway, that is disturbing. I don't watch DWTS. It's for old people.
I lost all respect for the show when (a) Marie Osmond was a contestant; (b) she was paired with someone "who looked like me," according to Brooke; and (c) she was not kicked off the show earlier since she never danced. She just walked around slowly like the "low impact" lady on PBS aerobics.
Who can forget the whole "Dancing Doll" number? As bad as it is to see the Hough siblings grind on one another, it doesn't touch Marie's impersonation of a doll!
I no longer watch DWTS since I discovered that Edyta Sliwinska has her own website.
I just came downstairs and actually caught Sam on Edyta's website. I just forgot one really funny twist to this whole thing--my brother Rex really looks like Derek Hough. Ashley thinks he looks like Jerry from "The Biggest Loser" only not overweight. To Rex, Derek and Jerry!
"I don't watch DWTS. It's for old people." is hilarious.
I don't watch it either, and you just gave me another reason not to.
Come on, if anyone knows Rex you know he did that dance because he was threatened/forced to do it, and he was paid on the side. The LAST thing he wanted to do is get on that stage in costume and chase his little sister around. I agree that it should have never been done and I also agree that two siblings should never dance together, especially "dirty dancing".
Blech. I thought the Schwimmers were cousins, not sibs...not that it changes much on the ick scale.
I don't watch this show either because it's boring, and I'm not.
Thanks for the LRR visual--it makes me glad my sister isn't a blogger.
OOOHHH!! I'm appalled!! DWTS is the only show I have DVR'ed - it's the best show out there. And I loved Julianne & Derek's dance last night! Get over it, y'all!! I would like to know what Liz S. has to say about it since she is a professional dancer/dance teacher. Tell me it's not juat because I'm old that I love it!! (I did have a cashier ask me if I wanted the "senior discount" the other day.)
I actually like the Hough's dance, it was cute--my point is I don't like that they are brother and sister.
Thanks for the laugh! I needed that.
Incestuous dancing...that is the best line of the post!! Hilarious! I love dancing with the stars...it is my favorite show...although I am sort of old, so that probably explains it. I agree that it is weird that they choose to put Derek and Julianne together. I think that every dance should feature Edyta and Maks...they are HOT together! ;)
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