I rarely tell people who or what to vote for but if you live in California, please vote yes on Proposition 8. I am appalled at the latest tv commercial depicting LDS missionaries barging into a lesbian couple's apartment and tearing up their marriage certificate. If you want to see the ad or read more about prop 8 please go to my sister Ashley's blog.
I voted this morning to mixed emotions. It was nice to participate in the democratic process and select the leaders of tomorrow. But it was somewhat tainted by the location of the polling place--the Draper Outlet Mall (formerly known as the "VF Factory Outlet").
Instead of a school, church, or government building, I had to vote within sight of the Samsonite store, where you can currently buy one piece of luggage and get your second piece half off. While I considered who should guide our country and state, I was surrounded by ads from Danskin, stating that a bra sale was just around the corner.
I wonder if the Declaration of Independence would be as important if it had been drafted at the Dress Barn.
I always vote by absentee. I love it. The ballots show up a few weeks before any election I'm allowed to vote in. Sometimes I wouldn't know there was an election otherwise. Then I can take my time in the comfort of my own home studying the issues. (No Samsonite.) The only problem is I have no idea what happens to my ballot after I mail it.
I added the prop 8 stuff after Sam and Ashley commented.
The "No on 8" crowd has really sunk to some despicable lows. I've been working on the "yes" campaign for a couple months now and it is not accurate to say there is ugliness on both sides. The "no" crowd is much, MUCH more virulent and irrational in their attacks on the "yes." It is a classic tactic of the left. When you can't win in the arena of ideas, sink to personal attacks and stealing signs. They can flip me off all they want--I think I'm going to leave the "Yes on 8" bumper sticker on my 95' Tercel until hell freezes over--whether or not we win today.
When your time in law enforcement is over, I suggest you pursue a career in diplomacy.
Are you cheering for the Utes this week?
Sam, I know you have a pension for sarcasm, so I will assume your query about the TCU-utah game was all in jest. If the utards win they will likely go into the BYU game undefeated and I fear the Cougs could not overcome that momentum. If TCU wins, great, because we enjoy watching the yewts fall on their arrogant faces--and they lose momentum going into the BYU game. Some untrue blue-bloods may be pulling for the eutes this Thursday because of the conference title shot, but come on, we've had plenty of conf. titles the last few years. I'll trade a shared conference title to see the uties lose anyday.
Our country drank the stupid juice. We've just elected a socialist!
God help us now.
I just read all the comments. . .back to Sam's first comment. . .I too had a bad experience when voting yesterday a.m. My polling place was Canyon View Elem. and when I walked through the front doors it didn't smell good. There was one voting booth open - very close to the voters on either side. I went to the booth, but just about turned around to wait for another. The stink bomb was coming from that very corner. I needed a gas mask. I thought I might be asfixiated (sp) Anyway, it wasn't pleasant, but I survived and voted FAST!!
Brooke, your family makes me laugh. I love reading all the comments...
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