You've done right by me. Do you make the nicest shoes on the market? No. Do you have the best service? Heck no. But you know what? I kind of like the no frills, do-it-yourself, climb the racks to get the shoes on top, shop you're running. You know who you are and you're not trying to be what you're not.
The fact that I think you make the cutest flats for girls is just a bonus:

I buy all of my boys' dress shoes from you:

I buy cute flat sandals for myself:

I even buy my boots to wear over skinny jeans because I don't want to pay a lot when I'm not even sure I should be stuffing my trash into skinny jeans boots from you:

Thank you for having super cheap saddle shoes for Sammie's Halloween costume for next year even if your salesgirl has no idea what saddle shoes are:

Thank you for making shoes for fat toddler feet:

Finally, thank you for letting my kids completely destroy your store and accepting coupons on top of Bogo. You're good people Payless.
Payless should ban you. Coupons on top of BOGO? Is that even legal??
K--I used to love Payless. Then my feet started hurting, I learned I needed real support, and that my feet were going to be with me a long time, so they deserved something better. I had to say goodbye forever. And when Jimmy Choo does a line for H & M, why go BOGO??
Mostess--I'm sure that wearing the 3 inch stiletto Jimmy Choos is doing wonders for your arch support :-)
Classic Brookie post. I love it. I haven't been into Payless since the 90s. Now I'm intrigued. I hate paying good money for black dress shoes the boys were three times in December.
I was waiting for the punchline at the end of the post, but am glad there wasn't one. It's good to know a fashionista like yourself approves of Payless!
They really do have great kid shoes--I always go there because I hate to spend a fortune on shoes that will be outgrown before they're worn out!
And Mostess--Jimmy Choo did a line for H & M? Is it gone?
Just Paylessed it myself. Bought me and Emi matching boots so we could be boot buddies.
Ok my little one would LOVE that first pair of shoes...I am so glad she is in bed and not peeking over my shoulder
I was an exclusive payless kid shoe shopper (yes, I buy for myself there, too) but sometimes the shoes are kind of expensive. (Ok, I think $20 for shoes for a 2 yr old are expensive unless they are some high quality deal.) I do not know what BOGO means, and I would also love to know how/where to get coupons.
Bogo is buy one get one half price and then I get coupons for 20% off mailed to me because I gave them my email and address.
The cool thing is..if you ever can't find a shoe in your size, they will look it up on the computer and print out all the stores that have your shoe. At the bottom of the slip is a coupon for $3.00 off the pair when you buy them.
Yes, 20 bucks can be a lot for kids' shoes but I like them so much better than Target shoes. They fit my kids' feet really well and I just think Payless makes cuter shoes.
good to chubby lubby beauty queen has the fattest feet (well, they all do) and i need some new shoes for her! i love those army shoes for dino...cute.
If I post it, it is so. Jimmy Choo TOTALLY did a line for H & M.
BUY THEM NOW!! They just hit stores today.
I can't do three inch heels because, well, we would have a bit of a Tom and Katie situation going on. But knock yourself out!
PS..My feet would feel better in 3 inch Choos VS crappy flat footed sandals from your fave store.
I csn't believe that I forgot what BOGO meant. I knew that at one point. I am just getting dumber all the time.
I like Payless better than Target, and usually the shoes are well under $20 for kids. But another nice alternative (right next door in Tysons Va) is Marshalls. Usually the shoes are around $12 and really super cute.
Thanks for the coupon tips!
We have Payless Shoes and for all your reasons (plus my nine year old loves to play Shoe Sales assistant and get her own shoes) I agree they are great. Unfortunately I have a 12 year old who wouldn't be seen dead in a pair of payless shoes and we don't have any coupon deals here...
Great post and pics.
Crap! I travelled all the way to Greece, hit the H&M there, and didn't even LOOK at the shoes! Also, I bought a cute pair of boots to wear with skinny jeans only to realize that I don't have any skinny jeans. Arrgh.
Hey Brooke, Thanks for all your great comments. Have a wonderful day.
The blue sweater you asked about - got it last year at Ann Taylor Loft. I do love it oh so much.
I am so going to get those silver flats for my girls!
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