That's not me. I want you to have options...and I have a birthday in March and Mothers Day, etc, etc. The list is a work in progress. Let's begin.
1. A new stainless steel kitchen garbage can. My old plastic white one is disgusting. I like this one from Costco--it is touch less:

2. Clinique lip gloss in "air kiss"

3. Tall boots to wear with skinny jeans. I bought these and the heel wasn't quite high enough. I'm verrrrry picky. Maybe it is best if I pick these out myself.

4. Car wash coupons to Platinum. I've got to see my boyfriend and who wants to wash your car when it's cold outside?

5. A small camera for my purse. Sam was kind enough to buy me a big daddy nice camera last year which I love. But I need a small one I can throw in my bag and whip out especially for inconspicuous photos for the blog. Part of the gift is not having to pick it out myself. I hate learning about technology:

7. Gift cards to any of the following; Impact Fitness, Ann Taylor Loft (not Ann Taylor), Nordstrom, Taipan imports, Rod Works, Sweet Briar Hollow, Basket Loft

8. Gift cards for these food places. I would not use these for date night, but for when I want to pick up a good lunch without guilt: Hagerman's, Kneaders, Rumbi's, Zupas.

9. The true gift--gift certificate to Sanctuary Day spa for a massage. Pure heaven.

10. Cash. Just like my cute 90 year old grandpa says, "Always the right size, always the right color!"
I'm dying for that garbage can! Does it get any better than that?
I like your list--I just e-mailed one to my husband...He has yet to comment. I'm not sure what that means!
Love your list. Might have to steal some of your ideas. Great to see you last night.
Too funny! Those boots have been in my piperlime cart for two weeks now...I just couldn't pull the trigger! I thought the heel was going to be too high...I'm looking for a riding boot, rather than a heeled....Good to know we still have similar tastes! :-)
You're brilliant and inspired, I should start working on a list as well. It usually takes me until after Thanksgiving to feel like Christmas shopping, but this year I'm in the mood now!
My MIL has that garbage can and I hate to tell you, it doesn't work half the time. Maybe she just got a lemon though, and yours will open when it is supposed to.
I love my sheets from Costco. 600 TC, pima cotton, Kirkland Signature-- just right!
Gwen, I loved those boots and I got a sweet deal on them because I had a coupon. They were so cute but I knew in my heart I needed a higher heel--I just can't pull off a riding boot. You will love them.
I just went back to look at them again...the price went up about a hundred bucks...what a bummer (and kinda weird!) Now, I guess it's an easy decision! :-)
Perhaps they saw them on your blog and knew you would drive up demand :-)
Good list. You shouldn't be disappointed this year...
Do you still have the boots? Can you sell them to Gwen?
This is a fun list. The garbage can is a household necessity that should be purchased on your next outing, not a present. The sheets could fall into this same category but could work as a gift if necessary. I like TJ Maxx for sheets.
I need to make my list. I just keep buying myself everything I want before I have time to list it. All I want is what's coming to me; all I want is my fair share.
Great list. Love the boots, but I especially need more heel! I just got a Nikon coolpix camera for my purse. LOVE it! Cute colors, great pics (just FYI)
I shipped the boots back to Piperlime yesterday. Bummer. I do love Piperlime--free shipping and returns and the returns are easy. And I can buy them on my Gap card which Sam loves (not.)
Great list, although I agree that you should just buy yourself the garbage can! Who wants to find that under the tree? ;)
So GREAT meeting you on Monday! Wish we could do that often!
Put me down for the Clinique lip gloss and $$.
If Santa knows anything about cameras, he will buy you a Canon Powershot Digital Elph. I think last season's model is on sale right now at his, er, workshop (Costco).
And I never thought I'd say this about a garbage can, but I LOVE that garbage can. That is just gross. But it's true. Handless, stainless steel...lovely.
I love your list ... I need to make one too. I've splurged on good sheets before, and they were and still are worth every penny!
I'm totally putting together my list for, um, Santa. Burberry perfume, iPhone, T-3 flatiron..I have expensive taste.
I need a cute pair of flat boots, too. Maybe brown as well. Hmm.
I'm sure Rhett is sooooo excited to see you again! I can throw a rock at your car in the interim if you can't wait for Christmas.
I like the list. Why is it that we always have a big list, but secretly want to pick it all out ourselves. At least I do.
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