The first being Sloth. I haven't posted in over a week. Pure laziness coupled with nothing good to say. November is busy and boring at the same time. Let's get to Thanksgiving so we can chow down and start decorating for Christmas!
The second sin I'm guilty of lately is gluttony. I have a new addiction. It is the salmon salad at Cafe Rio.

I know what you're thinking--that's not on the menu. No my friends, but give it a try. Get the creamy tomatillo dressing and you will be in Heaven. I ate the whole thing tonight and the shell and now I have a major gut bomb. The scary thing is I think we are eating there again tomorrow night with friends before New Moon. By the way, if you want to read a very funny critique of New Moon, go here. Christie is one of those bloggers who makes me laugh every single time she posts.
The third (and worst) sin of which I am guilty is envy. I have it bad. My friend Mandee just had her cabinets re-done by Telisa. Mandee will probably be mad at me for posting this picture because the kitchen isn't done yet--they are still doing a back splash, etc but I had to share--Isn't her kitchen lovely? I'm so jealous. And yes, her whole house is this cute.
Fourth, I have so much hate in my heart for everyone who is trying to eat at In-n-Out Burger this week. You are killing me people. I can barely get out of my drive-way before I hit major traffic. We are talking horrendous, can't even go near 12300 south, horrible traffic--cops are everywhere directing cars. It is crazy. For the love people--wait a week or a month. I want a burger too, really bad. But I can't take this. Artic Circle ain't a bad second.

Finally, I'm guilty of greed and pride. I pray constantly to have Heavenly Father take away my pride. I'm not joking on this one. I love nice things. So much. I love cute clothes. I just bought myself this jacket at the Loft. I'm adding it to my Christmas list and then crossing it off myself. Clever right? I have a Friends and Family pass at the Loft good through Sunday I can email out if anyone needs it.

So what sins are you guilty of lately?
I can't even go into my would take all night.
As for In-n-out, I don't understand the mentality to stand in killer long lines just to be first. I had to drive by it 3 times today. Idiots. You could drive to St. George faster!
What's the sin where your husband comes home and finds you in bed with--well, by yourself, but the kids are up destroying the house with the tube on and the huge platter of sugar cookies are all but gone. That's my sin.
I just told my 6 year old that there was no way he was having orange soda for breakfast. Now that I've snuck away to the computer, I am currently drinking a Jones soda. I'm queen of the hypocrites.
my sins...all of the above. Plus, a mean feeling in my heart toward those who do me wrong. I am not a forgive and forget kind of girl, but I need to be!
I saw New Moon on Thursday night. I am with your friend--I am team Jacob, but I haven't read any of the books or even seen Twilight yet. Jacob is hot.
That kitchen is darling!
I am also with you on In-n-Out Burger. Makes traffic horrible!!
My sin--inpatience for other people's stupidity. What are they thinking???
Love the kitchen. That is the exact layout as my dark dark kitchen. I love the white. Sin #1.
I also want the loft discount. Sin #2.
I am on my way to clean the church so, that will cancel out one of the two sins right?
i think i totally need to paint my island now. great! more work.
um really did you hear they were camping out for in-n-out? seriously loosing good sleep for a burger. embarrassing.
Crap. I never even thought of praying to take away my pride/greed/love of things & clothes. Now I'm going to feel guilty. But before I feel guilty, I must say that jacket is super cute. Good purchase!! And that kitchen IS lovely.
I haven't attempted In-N-Out yet, thinking the line would be too long. Sounds like I'm right. How long is the blasted wait? We had them in AZ, so I'm not feeling as eager (I might have almost just said "hard-up") as most Utahns.
So do I just tell Cafe Rio I want a salad with Salmon for my meat or what?
Ashley, your sin is sloth.
Brandi, what is your email address?
Amy M, yes, you tell Rio you want a salmon salad--salmon is the meat. You will be in love forever.
I am waiting for stan to go get in bed so I can open the cookies without telling him. shhhhh (they are for Noa but I know she will share)
yay you posted... my sin is impatience obviously, also what is the sin where you call a family meeting to tell one and all that we are in strict budgeting mode, so sacrifices need to be made... then go out for tea 'cos I don't feel like cooking?
I hope you and Ashley don't go a week without posting again, I can't take it!
Cafe Rio is always a major weakness for me. I get the pork tostada because it's a slightly smaller version of the salad and costs a bit less as well. I can eat the whole thing without feeling remorseful.
I have kitchen envy now too!
I was on the freeway going home from Salt Lake yesterday and couldn't believe the number of cars trying to exit at 12300 South, I didn't realize it was because of In and Out!
Oh dear Brooke- you did not put my kitchen on your blog. It's not even cute yet. And you won't be feeling envy to know that we were up until 2AM for 3 nights in a row working on that beast. But it makes me feel good to know that people like it, so thanks for liking it.
Salmon salad- I had no idea. It sounds like heaven and I can't wait to try it.
My sins right now are so many, that I should probably see a Catholic Priest. But, I do have blog envy for you- I am in such a rut, and I can't get out of it. Thank you for posting and for giving me some deep things to ponder.
Love you! Miss you!
I love the list and hate the line at In-n-Out. I totally want to go there. I guess I will have to wait for St. George.
I don't have any sins. I'm perfect. There are those who will tell you this is not true...don't believe them. Ask my mom...she says I'm not married yet because the super special someone has a lot of work to do to be worthy of me. Yep..I agree.
Also, I learned recently why McDonald's Diet Coke is actually's not just your imagination. It's filtered TWICE. See...McD's cares about you enough to filter twice.
Lust...for D-Dub, RPatz, and Tay-Tay.
Wrath for hating Kristen Stewart, T Swift, and all of the NKOTB skanks making out with DDub all over the place. BOO.
Sloth because I (SHAMEFULLY!!) used an Evite for my cookie swap instead of my expensive, fancy ones. The real rub? I already bought them. I'm just too tired to print and address them all. Ugh.
I'm not too prideful, envious, or greedy.
Thanks for the shout out! Probably undeserved, but I'll take it anyway.
I am so guilty of gluttony. Like ALL THE TIME. Gotta work on that one.
I need this jacket for Sara. I think she would look cute and after shopping all day Saturday I can tell I need intervention to my possibilities here. How do I link to it and purchase it online?
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