Heaven help me. When I expressed some concerns about this den of iniquity being so tempting to me on a daily basis, my sister Ashley wisely said, "You will not eat more burgers, but when you eat a burger, you will eat a better burger." I hope she's right. I still think I'll eat more burgers...and fries...and shakes...and burgers.

I know I am in the minority, but I don't get the in and out craze! Stan hates them. I think they are o.k. but not to die for. For me and my vote...go red robin!
ps. Did I mention I also don't like pizza? :)
Braden can hardly wait..he's been talking about this one for MONTHS!!!
i somehow came across your blog over the summer and i love it. we just moved back to utah from minnesota. just wanted to say hi and tell you i think you are pretty funny.
Can I just say that I sat in my car and scarfed one of these babies down today for lunch. Long day, but goood burger!
(This is Amy. To lazy to switch users)
I am so glad we no longer live in Draper or I would weigh 500 pounds. In-n-out and See's Candy? Heaven help me. So which one is opened already? Orem?
I'm hoping that once they open, In & Out won't be as enticing. (Kind of like Krispy Kremes once they came to UT.) However, whenever we are in CA, we alternate between In & Out & La Salsa. I mean we can eat at In & Out EVERY day five days in a row!! I'm already plotting the times I'm going to go when it won't be as crowded. (which is never.) AND I'M NOT a fan of any other burgers!! BTW - I just realized that Stan must have been switched at birth - or I was. We can't possibly be related!
You will eat them and love them but you will not go there 5 times a week because their food is not convenient for babies. You will still go to McDonalds for baby food. However, you can ask for a "grilled cheese" (just cheese on a bun) when you are in a pinch and are desperate for a burger but need to feed Dino.
I'm very happy about this and just hope the crowds are manageable. It's going to be helter skelter for awhile.
Ashley is l-y-i-n-g. I just got back from dinner with her, and can spot a fib from her a mile away. You will eat many, many, many more burgers.
Get it animal style. You will never go back.
PS--you have random people who think you're funny. You have arrived.
I am so jealous! We will never get one in Chicagoland--McDonald's is headquartered here and has a huge hold on the market. When I come to Utah, we can meet up and go to In-n-Out!
hahaha, soulmates! it's funny, when i first found your blog there was a picture of part of your home and it looked just like the one my parents owned in sandy and for a while i thought it was theirs! it was really creepy. :)
I don't think the Mostess realizes how many burgers you eat now. We don't have Arctic Circle out here. . .
would you believe I have NEVER been there? We have none...not sure if I am glad or not!
We're getting one by us too, oh dear.
Brooke, it's been a week since your last post, why oh why? Is it because your In and Out opened?
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