Remember when I posted about this little sweetheart? Well, she has really made me proud this time.
Yesterday, I got a call from our local grocery store telling my that Sammie won their Halloween coloring contest. I immediately felt bad for Luke, since Sammie won a couple months ago too. Luke has been asking me every day if Harmon's has called to tell me that he won.
They told me to bring Sammie to the store today to get her $5.00 gift certificate and photo taken. When I arrived at the courtesy desk, the lady said, "I just have to tell you, she won because of the booger coming out of Bob's nose. We all just loved that!" Bob and Randy are the owners of the store and they are the ones pictured in the cartoon.
Look closely at her picture. Yes, she had drawn a booger and colored it green. When she did it, I scolded her and told her she wouldn't win. She was insistent that we turn it in anyway. I thought maybe they hadn't noticed when they picked the winner. Nope, they noticed alright and they loved it. What do I know?
So my little delicate girl all dressed in pink, straight from her ballet class got her photo taken holding her picture of Bob with a bugger in his nose. Nice.
So my little delicate girl all dressed in pink, straight from her ballet class got her photo taken holding her picture of Bob with a bugger in his nose. Nice.
awesome. but that is some pretty amazing coloring...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This has made my week! Sammie should become a radio jockey since she obviously understands "shock value"!
I love it. But my heart breaks for Luke. Emi didn't progress in the 1st grade speech contest like Parker did in 1st grade. She was heartbroken.
Bob and Randy screwed us over when they decided to build in my back yard....stick as many boogers as you can on that freak!
It's perfect--SO Sammie! I love it. That boogar was the first thing I noticed. I bet the employees really did love that.
Classy all the way that Sammie!
I feel so bad for Lukers...maybe a $5 bill should appear from the coloring contest fairy. Just sayin.
Off the subject--have you seen the MJ movie?? It was so good. I miss him all over again.
That's just awesome!!
Funny!I have to give you a web site I was just sent for little girls clothing. Some of it is over the top but there are lots of Cute UNIQUE things. http://www.matildajaneclothing.com
so much for a link that works... oh well copy and paste, you will love it.
p.s. I saw the MJ show... Loved it and maybe feel like Michael was a good guy. They sure portrayed him as calm and careing. Maybe he really wasn't all the bad things .... just sayin' Then again, the croch move...WHY? No Question he is one of the most amazingly talented people to ever live.
I am laughing so hard over here. That is SO funny she drew the booger. I like how your delicate little pink-dressed ballerina did that. Just like Ella... girly, but also not so girly. Maybe because they are sandwiched in between two boys?
Anyway, hilarious.
Tell Luke if he wants to win, to draw a fart coming out of one of the guys next time.
awesome! that's my kind of girl :)
That is too funny!
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