I first thought he was out of his mind. He assured me it was his bird and he was going to take care of it. He called his buddy Jason last night to get tips on how to prepare the bird. Jason is an avid outdoorsman/food network junkie/hunter extraordinaire. He is also a lawyer but that is beside the point. He gave Sam some mad tips on how to prepare and stuff the bird.
Sam set out to thaw the thing last night. He was supposed to be changing the water every 30 minutes but he never did:
He spent the next 12 hours teasing me about the neck and gizzards.
He came home early from church today (because he "is sick" and he needed to babysit his bird.)
He took these pictures on his phone of the bird stuffed with apples and oranges and rubbed down with oil and salt and pepper. Impressive:

I came home from church to the smells of Thanksgiving dinner. About 5 hours later, this bad boy came out of the oven:
The unglamourous refuse from the bird (most had already been dumped:)
The finished product (have I ever mentioned we ain't fancy?) Do you like the Crescent rolls on paper towels..classy:
Sam and I stand behind the bar to eat and the kids sit at the bar. Just how it is at our house. I prepared all the side dishes (from boxes and frozen bags!) Thanks Sam--I didn't think you had it in you but it was a darn good bird and I will be eating turkey sandwiches for weeks.
note-I can't believe I posted this after all of your posts with pictures of your beautiful Thanksgiving feasts. I know how trashy this whole operation was..but that's how we roll.
I would like to get some tips from you both on how to go about my Christmas Dinner prep... Cos that turkey spread looks both delicious AND hassle free. Well done to both of you!
PS I am having a shocker of a day - and this post helped - just a little bit so thanks Brooke ;-)
I am floored. I don't know the first thing about cooking a bird. This is the second most impressive thing a husband has ever done next to Tyler sewing Halloween costumes. And while you are not fancy it is impressive that you had all those sides on hand and were able to produce a Thanksgiving feast on a moment's notice. We had mac n cheese tonight.
Did you make your own gravy?!?
Like Ashley and her "ugly" house, I feel like you sold me a rotten bill of goods about your allegedly ghetto dinner. That spread looks great!!
Sam--good work on The Bird! Lance loves his handiwork around this time of year. I have a feeling we're going to have a smoked Christmas ham. On a related note, he's now chanting "I want pie! I want pie!" so I better run and point out where the fridge is.
Man....26 pounds of turkey love. That's a good man.
This is totally how we roll at our house too, I'm so, so happy to see that we're not alone!
We haven't ever made a whole turkey before (I'm officially impressed) but we bake crescent rolls, use stove top stuffing and stand at the counter to eat as well!
wish i had a picture to prove it to you...but Braden and I ALWAYS stand at the counter while the kids sit at the bar stools...every meal works like that! and we ain't fancy smancy at ALL! good to see a girl after my own heart!
p.s. can i tell you how excited i am about that baby again!!!!!!
As I stood over the poultry at Harmon's, I had an epiphany. The Bird called out to me, and at that moment, I knew what must be done. I was going to cook that Bird old school so that Luke & Sammie would know the magic that comes from cooking a buzzard.
It was a little nasty, having never handled a Bird before. I taunted Brooke with the neck and giblets. But it actually turned out pretty well.
And Ashley, with all due respect, I don't see how preparing/cooking/carving a large piece of meat can come in second behind sewing. Sewing? So should I take up cross-stitch or quilt-making next?
that looks yummy! good job goes out to your husband. i am seriously impressed.
don't feel bad if your plates weren't pretty! my plate settings started out somewhat cute and my {lovely} children ruined them. oh well! at least i love them.
i hope you had a great thanksgiving!
As always... good for a laugh! I am not sure who is funnier...Brooke or Sam. My kids wont let me give up the thanksgiving tradition. cook cook and cook. Stan would go out. But, this year was easier. I delegated parts to everyone and I enjoyed myself. Funny how people go out for dinner and come home and cook the same meal!
I would suggest sitting though. |You deserve the break.
Ashley, Gravy was from the envelope--mixed with water. I refuse to mix the "juices" with cornstarch and flour into gravy. That grosses me out.
I just think it's funny you did all of this AFTER Thanksgiving. :)
That turkey made my mouth water! Hey, nothing wrong with boxes and packages.. sometimes easy is best!
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