Poor poor Ryan. The kid has been terrible the last few days. He has been crying, clingy and will not sit in his highchair. Yesterday, I was fed up and I dumped him in his crib. I shut the door and started walking down the hall. I heard a loud thud. I went back in his room and he was lying on the floor screaming. Apparently, he had thrown himself over the edge of the crib.
To make a long story short, he has also had a fever so I took him in to see the doctor this evening. She diagnosed him with a double ear infection. Then I casually mentioned that he has been holding his arm a little funny since he fell out of the crib. She checked him out and referred us to the hospital for x-rays. Turns out he broke both bones in his left forearm. He is in a splint right now and will get his arm set and put in a cast in about a week.
I feel so bad because he has wanted to be held non-stop today and I've been so annoyed with him. I didn't know he had a broken arm or an ear infection and I was just annoyed that I couldn't get anything done and it is hard to hold him when I am this big and pregnant. I realize I wasn't very gentle getting him dressed today and now I feel terrible.
He will be getting lots of TLC tomorrow.
Sad!!! Poor poor Ryan! I wasn't super nice to Ella when she broke her leg either. She was a couple months younger than Ryan. I knew she fell, but thought the extra tears were because she was tired, so I plopped her in her crib.
This time is the worst when they don't have their cast yet. Hang in there!
Nice that he had a double ear infection too. I thought he had tubes?
So sorry.
Poor buddy! I hate it when they are sick and you dont know it! I hope he gets feeling better soon! Dont feel guilty- we've all been there!
Oh, now I'm looking closer at his splint. It seems good. They didn't give Sam one and he was absolutely miserable. I'm glad Ryan has one.
Ick that he has to get his arm set.
Poor little guy! He is so dang cute!
We had a broken collarbone this month. BOYS!! Hope Ryan's back to his happy self soon :)
Oh, poor Ryan! Broken arms are no fun. Don't worry about not knowing. I didn't think Kate's arm was broken either. Finally after 8 hours of not acting like herself we took her in to find out it was indeed broken. I just always figured a broken arm would look disfigured or something. It looked totally normal to me. Good thing kids are resiliant (sp?) and I am not a doctor!
I'm so sorry....but don't feel guilty. He's so adorable! Good luck with that!
Poor Dino! This is so sad. Luckily he won't remember any of it! Take him to McD's tomorrow and let him ride the carousel at South Towne or something. It's good to see him smiling in that picture. Give him a kiss for me!
Poor little boy- so so sad! Have a nice, cozy day with him tomorrow!
Poor Ryan and Poor Mummy... that was pretty bad for both of you.
I hope he feels better soon. From one broken limb Mum to another... keep up the pain relief for him.
Poor kid! It sucks that kids get ear infections so often, we really need a home-diagnosing technology for those so we don't all have to suffer needlessly.
I am so sorry Brooke. That is soooo hard. You have days where you get so tired and need a break, but all they want to do is be held.
He really must have taken a jump to get out of his crib! Poor kid. Luckily they still love us and are happy to have us love them later.
If you need anything please call me!
Sounds like he has Sam's genes.
Sounds like he has Sam's genes.
Poor thing! That's awful. Well, nothing a good shake from McD's can't fix. (at least that's what works for my girls!)
Poor, poor baby. Give him tons of love.
Awwww. It's always hard to know when kids are being annoying, or if they're sick.
Sorry it was the latter, and that his poor little arm took a beating. Boys will be boys!
I'm so sorry this happened. I feel so bad for Ryan.
Don't feel bad. He'll totally forget about it all and any one of us would have done the same thing. A broken arm and 2 ear infections??? That is out of control. No wonder he was so hard and you were so bugged!!!
It is a tiny bit funny too. Sorry.
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