After my post last night, I decided it was high time for something a little lighter. My life has been crazy this week. So in honor of Valentine's Day, I give you What I Love; What I Don't Love.
1. I love the new wood floors in the living room (no molding yet--don't judge!)
(This is a terrible picture with too much flash. Ignore all the equipment--I was too lazy to move it.)
I don't love every piece of furniture in my home stuffed into my family room and still having nowhere to sit.
2. I love making a robot Valentine box with Luke.
I don't love that after we completed it, Luke came home from school and announced that his teacher said they could bring a small box or Manila envelope for their valentines. I said screw it--he's taking it.
3. I love going to Babies R Us and picking out a brand new travel system for the new baby.

I don't love the cost, I don't love that I'm buying new stuff for my last child, and I especially don't love hauling the &;#%@^)#$ thing back to the store because we discover that the car seat only goes up to 20 pounds--defeating our whole purpose for buying a new one!
4. I love Sam getting dressed up and taking Sammie to the princess Ball at our gym because she wanted to go and she asked him to take her. Sammie had a blast.
I Don't Love getting texts from him throughout the evening telling me stuff like "It is not a professional Ariel." (All of the princesses were gym workers dressed up--Ariel happened to be a large, 40 something-year-old lady with black hair.)
5. I love Valentine candy of all kinds.

I don't love when I polish off an entire bag of fun size Snickers and Twix by myself in two days.
6. I love Sammie in her Valentine outfit.
I don't love that she has refused to wear anything else for the last two weeks.
7. I love that Ryan imitates his sister when she does the over the shoulder poses.
I REALLY don't love when I get on the computer for literally 10 minutes and he takes a purple magic marker to my kitchen cabinets, floors, walls and every piece of furniture I own--(because every piece of furniture I own is in the family room-see #1.) By some miracle is was a washable marker and it came off everything including my upholstered furniture.
8. I love McDonald's for peddling sanity in a cup every day for 99 cents.

I don't love that I usually end up buying McNuggets or a burger to wash it down.
9. I love losing 5 pounds in 24 hours.
I don't love that it took a serious bout with the stomach flu to do it and then I gained it all back in the next 48 hours. See #5 and #8

10. I love this man for understanding my neurosis and loving me anyway (and for slaving away on my wood floors!)

I don't love when I see him lying in bed at night perusing the SI swimsuit edition as I am changing from my gigantic maternity jeans into a pair of gigantic red pajamas. (He hates this picture and posting it on my blog is my payback!)
Happy Valentines Day!
Funniest post. Love Sam's payback. Your kids' shoulder pose reminds me of someone at my house.
Funny, funny stuff Brooke! Your floors are beautiful! I am so impressed with Sam. Happy Valentine's--here's to mini snickers and extra large dcs.
Love this! (and the controversy you caused about the SI swimsuit edition--you're a brave woman!)
Happy Valentine's Day!
i totally relate to #8!
great post :)
Cute post! I love the picture of Sam and that you were bold enough to post it.
Emi came home and told me all about the robot....she LOVED it. Emi's was a hot air balloon. No manila envelope here!
#3 - Graco safeseat. Best infant carseat ever!
Fun post. Funny how there is an upside and a downside to everything. That picture of Sam is a hoot.
Luke's robot box is adorable! I love that it does his homework. So cute.
Can't wait to see the floors in real life. I'll be there in 2 weeks.
LOVE, love, love your floors! I am jealous. Where did Sammie get her amazing hair? Again I am jealous. And Ryan melts my heart, especially that little dimple.
I also love the "over the shoulder" Zoolander look. It's quite good.
I love Sammie's outfit, but it would certainly get old after 2 weeks.
The floors are gorgeous! So is the rest of your house.
My dad would be impressed with your robot making skills. And he's legit in that Dept.
Love your floors! And your loves and don't loves! So entertaining!
The floors look fabulous. Love that you sent in the robot anyway. And Sports Illustrated SI perusing TOTALLY deserves bad picture payback. Well done.
Great Love / Dont Love post. Your floors look fab, your children are the CUTEST, sorry you have been sick (yuk) and Sam looks happy in that pic.
Brooke, It was so fun to meet you yesterday! I hope you didn't think it was too stalkerish for me to say hi...:) I didn't get a chance to tell you what a beautiful family you have, your kids are even cuter in person than in pictures!
I also should tell you that I absolutely love your blog, I think we may have been seperated at birth...except for the whole tall, long leg, skinny thing you've got going on!
REally fun post!! Cute pictures. Can't wait to see your finished houese.
funny funny post! you are too cute. your house looks great and your kids are {darling}!
hope you had a lovly valentine's day!
You are a funny girl, this was a most enjoyable post to read.
The floors are looking great, your kids are adorable, and your thoughts on McDonald's are endearing.
I think I'd burn the SI Swimsuit issue!
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