I kind of hate the Women Tell All shows. But I couldn't help myself--I had to watch.
Some thoughts:
1. I thought Ali was the star of the show. She looked beautiful, she was honest, and she was classy. I liked that she admitted she made a mistake and would have done things differently. I loved Jake's heartfelt words to her. I kind of have a feeling things aren't going to work out for Jake and Vienna and Jake is going to get on a plane and fly to Ali and they will live happily ever after. You heard it hear first folks. I, for one, will be cheering.
2. I love that Elizabeth had to watch how dumb she looked on tv. I like that she admitted her no kissing rule was dumb.
3. Michelle=still crazy.
4. Gia=still beautiful and classy. She is my prediction for the next bachelorette.
5. I loved Jake's message to Christina. I've never seen a bachelor tell a girl he wished he hadn't sent her home after watching the show. She seemed really touched by his words.
6. I thought Ella handled herself beautifully. She stuck it to Rozlyn.
7. Rozlyn looked like the biggest slut ever. Could she be a bigger liar? And what about that shot she took at Chris right at the end of her interview about him hitting on the producer's wife in Australia? Blech. I think it only made her look worse because now we all know the producer was married. Double blech.
8. I kind of wonder if Jake doesn't end up with anyone in the end, a la Brad Womack. Chris didn't ask Jake if he was in love--he asked him if he was happy with his decision and Jake said yes. By the way, I hated Jake's sports jacket over the tee look. You're the Bachelor--Wear a shirt and tie for crying out loud!
What were your thoughts? Am I missing anything?
Some thoughts:
1. I thought Ali was the star of the show. She looked beautiful, she was honest, and she was classy. I liked that she admitted she made a mistake and would have done things differently. I loved Jake's heartfelt words to her. I kind of have a feeling things aren't going to work out for Jake and Vienna and Jake is going to get on a plane and fly to Ali and they will live happily ever after. You heard it hear first folks. I, for one, will be cheering.
2. I love that Elizabeth had to watch how dumb she looked on tv. I like that she admitted her no kissing rule was dumb.
3. Michelle=still crazy.
4. Gia=still beautiful and classy. She is my prediction for the next bachelorette.
5. I loved Jake's message to Christina. I've never seen a bachelor tell a girl he wished he hadn't sent her home after watching the show. She seemed really touched by his words.
6. I thought Ella handled herself beautifully. She stuck it to Rozlyn.
7. Rozlyn looked like the biggest slut ever. Could she be a bigger liar? And what about that shot she took at Chris right at the end of her interview about him hitting on the producer's wife in Australia? Blech. I think it only made her look worse because now we all know the producer was married. Double blech.
8. I kind of wonder if Jake doesn't end up with anyone in the end, a la Brad Womack. Chris didn't ask Jake if he was in love--he asked him if he was happy with his decision and Jake said yes. By the way, I hated Jake's sports jacket over the tee look. You're the Bachelor--Wear a shirt and tie for crying out loud!
What were your thoughts? Am I missing anything?
I could not possibly agree more with your analysis.
Wart. . .
I didn't watch it but now I wish I had. Why did he regret sending Christina home? That seemed like an easy decision.
He didn't realize how funny she was. He said when he watched the show at home, he saw a whole different side to her. He said he regretted sending her home.
I hope you are right on your prediction that Jake is the next Brad, maybe he won't end up with either of the two.
Good analysis.
Jake cares about funny? Who is he now, Bob Guiney?
The funniest part of the show was when Gia said she was pretty sure Tenley (uh-um) "poops" rainbows. Seriously funny.
And the bloodbath of Chris vs. Rozalyn was priceless. Chris-1. Rozalyn-0. I can't figure out why she won't just own up to it. It's weird I tell you.
I loved it when Gia said Tenley "s@$%s rainbows" and then Vienna said Tenley "must dream in cartoons or something". Bless Tenley's heart. She's genuine that's for sure and darling too.
I was thinking the same thing, that he doesn't pick either one. I think Ali gave that away too with her "knowing what I know now, I would have stayed" bit.
Oh, and the Rozlyn and Chris bloodbath is right ... I love that stuff.
agreed, agreed. and yes, i kept telling dan (he's hooked) that i doubt he picks anyone. they usually show a wedding ring going on the finger of some faceless girl or ask him how happy he is, etc. i doubt he'd say that about christina and that sweet message to ali if indeed he was engaged.
we've been duped again.
off topic...thanks Brooke!
I know this is controversial, but it's what I feel to be true: Roz is getting a bad wrap because she is by far the best looking girl (read: smoking!). How come girls always seem to call the hottest girl a “slut” or a “tramp.” It just seems like no one gave her a chance or took the time to really get to know her. It’s just: she’s so hot, so I hate her. Who knows? Maybe I’m wrong. But take an honest inventory before you respond.
Dr. Anonymous, you are wise. Let me know when you have some time, I have a rash that I would like you to look at.
It all changed when she boinked a married producer but, due mostly to her hotness level Rozalyn was one of my favorites in the beginning. And I'm merely a semi-attractive woman, go figure!
I can't believe I finally met the real Brooke!! ur awesome. Sorry ur cute boy broke his arm.
......and yes i kindof feel like Jake won't choose anybody either. Loved that Vienna said Tenley dreams in animation. I also read in my US magazine that Ali will be the new Bachelorette. She's super cute!!
Now mr. Anonymous is a dr? Sam-that rash sounds serious...
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