I'm just going to say it. This was Michelle's finest hour. Did her skin look bad? Yes. Was she catty? Yes. But, she did three incredibly smart things. 1. She didn't take her top off 2. She asked Brad to be in her photos with her and in the process, completely made the other girls mad and 3. She kept her mouth shut in the limo on her way out...no exit interview for the first time that I can remember in Bachelor history! Which was such a let-down for me because all I wanted was to see her blubber.
So let's talk about the other ho-bags for a second. What the crap were they thinking taking off their tops? You all know how I feel about SI's Swimsuit edition, especially when women who are role-models take their tops off. I have a feeling that both girls are going to regret that decision sooner rather than later.
Speaking of the three on one group date, I don't know how Brad continues to put up with Chantel's drama. She is driving me crazy right now with her neediness. I think because she dropped the "I Love You" bomb on Brad, she thinks he owes her something. Ashley is equally as bad. These girls need a shot of confidence.
Emily is the front runner but I still think she is going to leave at some point. From the previews, we see that she is going to let Ricky meet Brad. I wish she would have protected her little girl from the cameras. Maybe the producers put on the pressure and she felt like she had to do it, but the last thing that little girl needs is to be on the Bachelor.
I did love Emily's date and more than anything it made me want to go to somewhere warm and tropical. (Sam, are you reading?) I do think we need some different methods of transportation. I texted Mandee "cue the chopper" when it showed up for the fifteenth time this season. I love that Brad broke the rules and told her she was getting a rose. He loves her.
Shawntel's date just made me laugh. Her classy lower back tat, the black bra straps hanging out, the old lady we couldn't understand...it was good tv. The best was when Shawntel and Brad were enjoying the rain and all of a sudden the band shows up with like 50 people and they have to feign interest in that Caribbean singer--kind of like when you are at a Mexican restaurant and you have to stop eating and listen when the mariachi singer comes over--I hate that.
Let's talk about Brit. Oh Britt. You are so twelve years old and you look anorexic. And I think you were wearing a coral colored lingerie on your dinner date with Brad. It was time for you to go. I got worried when Brad dumped you on the yacht because I was concerned about the awkwardness of having to ride all the way back to shore. But nope, the producers thought of everything...they provided that nice little boat for you to ride away in just like when Jillian dumped that guy in the middle of nowhere during the train ride. (Thanks for the reminder Mandee!)
It really isn't going to be the same with Michelle gone. She always brings the crazy. But I honestly can't wait for the hometown dates next week. Until then! I'm out.
So let's talk about the other ho-bags for a second. What the crap were they thinking taking off their tops? You all know how I feel about SI's Swimsuit edition, especially when women who are role-models take their tops off. I have a feeling that both girls are going to regret that decision sooner rather than later.
Speaking of the three on one group date, I don't know how Brad continues to put up with Chantel's drama. She is driving me crazy right now with her neediness. I think because she dropped the "I Love You" bomb on Brad, she thinks he owes her something. Ashley is equally as bad. These girls need a shot of confidence.
Emily is the front runner but I still think she is going to leave at some point. From the previews, we see that she is going to let Ricky meet Brad. I wish she would have protected her little girl from the cameras. Maybe the producers put on the pressure and she felt like she had to do it, but the last thing that little girl needs is to be on the Bachelor.
I did love Emily's date and more than anything it made me want to go to somewhere warm and tropical. (Sam, are you reading?) I do think we need some different methods of transportation. I texted Mandee "cue the chopper" when it showed up for the fifteenth time this season. I love that Brad broke the rules and told her she was getting a rose. He loves her.
Shawntel's date just made me laugh. Her classy lower back tat, the black bra straps hanging out, the old lady we couldn't understand...it was good tv. The best was when Shawntel and Brad were enjoying the rain and all of a sudden the band shows up with like 50 people and they have to feign interest in that Caribbean singer--kind of like when you are at a Mexican restaurant and you have to stop eating and listen when the mariachi singer comes over--I hate that.
Let's talk about Brit. Oh Britt. You are so twelve years old and you look anorexic. And I think you were wearing a coral colored lingerie on your dinner date with Brad. It was time for you to go. I got worried when Brad dumped you on the yacht because I was concerned about the awkwardness of having to ride all the way back to shore. But nope, the producers thought of everything...they provided that nice little boat for you to ride away in just like when Jillian dumped that guy in the middle of nowhere during the train ride. (Thanks for the reminder Mandee!)
It really isn't going to be the same with Michelle gone. She always brings the crazy. But I honestly can't wait for the hometown dates next week. Until then! I'm out.
Good good stuff. I am with you on Michelle. I've been waiting all season for the exit interview...she showed us.
Emily's date was by FAR the best, but I think Britt's would have been awesome if he was with someone that he liked.
Can't wait for hometowns and to see the Ricky drama.
Thanks for the reminder about the Swimsuit Issue. What a glorious time of year!
As for topless photos, who can forget the majesty of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer talks George into taking his top off in a photo shoot? The timeless art of seduction:
Yes, yes. Such a bad idea to go topless! Why did Brad agree to do that for a date? What a totally dumb idea. I stand by wanting to see them all go bowling. Or play trivial pursuit or something. I don't see any dazzling chemistry between Brad and Emily but she has two important things going for her: (1) She's the hottest; and (2) She's the only one who isn't acting desperate. (Well and Shawntel I guess, but see (1) above.)
i think (hope?) in real life, Chantel would be the most normal and fun. i also like how she admitted that she felt fat that day but didn't let brad see it. she still acted confident in front of the cameras (for that part at least).
and i could NOT believe that michelle a) didn't say a thing to brad as he walked her out and b) that she didn't say anything in the limo ... wow!!
Great minds think alike. As soon as Ashley and Chantel took off their tops I yelled, "Ho-bags!" The seashells were a classy touch.
I think he's holding out hope for Emily, their kiss was so romantic. But other than that, they seem kind of awkward in their conversations. They must talk and have fun at some point and we just don't see it?
He and Shawntel share their love for tats, but they seem better suited as best buds. She's always the one going for the kiss. I can't WAIT to see them in the morgue! It looks hilarious!
I can't believe I'm watching this thinking things like, "I'll bet Brooke says this or notices that", etc. Love your blog! I knew Michelle was gone. Her exit shows just how much she actually cared about Brad. Emily of course is the best and he clearly loves her, but I think she chickens out. Ashley is too independent and flat-chested. Shawntel would be fun for awhile, but not long-term. Chantel could be a good fit if Brad could handle her emotional neediness. So excited for next week.
Dying I Saw her on Ellen today and she claimed she spoke to Brad and in the limo but they just didn't air it. hmmmmm
I agree with you that ashley and Chantal are probably regretting they took off their tops. Glad michelle was classy enough to keep hers on.
I wish the winner was Emily. She is so cute, but i'm not sure Brad can handle her emotional past.
I'm afraid he's into dark hair and big hooters!!
Can't wait for hometown dates!
Oh dear, there was top removal? Does the shame never end?
What a dramatic night of Bachelor! It was such a relief that Michelle left but I am so going to miss her crazy commentary. I couldn't believe that Michelle actually rose above the other girls--and kept her top on and mouth closed in the limo. That being said, Michelle proved that she didn't need to take her top off to be sleezy. Such a strange "date." I have to wonder if any of these stupid ideas come from Brad. I think everything is planned for them--and it kills me when each of girl's give credit to Brad for planning their dates. Really?
Other than that, I loved that he spared Brit from the rose ceremony and that he promised the rose to Emily but I'm not sure she deserved that. Yes, she is beautiful and sweet but she doesn't seem into him that much. They hardly ever have real conversations other than talking about meeting Ricky. The island was a super romantic date but seemed so emotionally hollow in some way. She's cute enough though that he could just live a long life with her and pretend she's everything he wants. I hope he chooses someone who will really love him back.
Chantel is cute and fun. Ashley is a downer to me. Shawntel is a free spirit and just goes with the flow and is happy with anything. Living in Chico is a way of life and she represents that well. Imagine a beach town without a beach. ;)
By the way, I feel sorry for Ricky to be exposed to all the chaos of a tv crew. I don't think Emily or Brad should make any judgements off of Ricky's reactions. She is just a little girl in a very unusual situation. Emily is going to have to get past this emotional barrier some time if she wants to move on. Yes, it's going to throw Ricky's world but it could also fill in the void she is missing. Wish Emily was ready to make that leap!
Can't wait for next week to find out about their families. I am absolutely cringing that Shawtel is taking Brad to the funeral home--I am sure she was totally pressured into that one by the producers and could be the nail in her coffin. Too bad, she's a cute girl and I hope she finds someone that can accept her eccentricities.
I think the last one standing will be Chantel.
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